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Media Aidedia-Aid is a UK based innovative media house, specialising in web design & new media application development.

We offer a professional web design, web development and Internet marketing for businesses small to large.

We use a combination of leading open source platforms and bespoke development to develop powerful websites and other interactive media that are rich in graphics and functionality.

  • Web Design
  • E-commerce
  • Media presentation
  • Logo & Graphic Design
  • Application Development
  • Website Optimisation
  • E-Marketing
  • Portal Development

Our approach to Website Design is different. We work hard to understand each unique business we work with, so we can put into place a comprehensive Internet Marketing campaign that is relevant to the individual requirements of that client. In working like this we help keep our clients that one step ahead of the opposition.

By combining our expertise in Website Design, Ecommerce, Search Engine Optimisation and Pay Per Click, we are ideally positioned to not only provide you with an Internet presence but, more importantly, to strategically plan how to market your business on the web.