Definition of relative dating techniques

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  3. A Look at Relative Age
  4. Definition of relative dating

In relative dating the exact age of the object is not known; the only thing which made clear using this is that which of the two artifacts is older. The relative dating is less advanced technique as compared to the absolute dating. In relative dating, mostly the common sense principles are applied, and it is told that which artifact or object is older than the other one. Most commonly, the ancient factors of the rocks or objects are examined using the method called stratigraphy. In other words, we can say that the age in the relative dating is ascertained by witnessing the layers of deposition or the rocks.

As the word relative tells that defining the object with respect to the other object, it will be pertinent to mention here that actual numerical dates of the rocks or sites are not known in this type of dating. Other than rocks, fossils are the other most important elements in the relative dating as many organisms have there remain in the sedimentary rocks.

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This evaluation of the rocks and fossils in the relative dating is known as the biostratigraphy. The absolute dating is the technique to ascertain the exact numerical age of the artifacts, rocks or even sites, with using the methods like carbon dating and other. To evaluate the exact age, both the chemical and physical properties of the object are looked keenly. The main techniques used in absolute dating are carbon dating, annual cycle method, trapped electron method, and the atomic clocks. These techniques are more complex and advanced regarding technology as compared to the techniques in practice in the relative dating.

The absolute dating is also sometimes referred as the relative numerical dating as it comes with the exact age of the object.

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The absolute dating is more reliable than the relative dating, which merely puts the different events in the time order and explains one using the other. The relative dating techniques are very effective when it comes to radioactive isotope or radiocarbon dating. However, not all fossils or remains contain such elements. Relative techniques are of great help in such types of sediments. The following are the major methods of relative dating. The oldest dating method which studies the successive placement of layers.

A Look at Relative Age

It is based on the concept that the lowest layer is the oldest and the topmost layer is the youngest. An extended version of stratigraphy where the faunal deposits are used to establish dating. Faunal deposits include remains and fossils of dead animals. This method compares the age of remains or fossils found in a layer with the ones found in other layers.

Definition of relative dating

The comparison helps establish the relative age of these remains. Bones from fossils absorb fluorine from the groundwater. The amount of fluorine absorbed indicates how long the fossil has been buried in the sediments. This technique solely depends on the traces of radioactive isotopes found in fossils.

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The rate of decay of these elements helps determine their age, and in turn the age of the rocks. Physical structure of living beings depends on the protein content in their bodies. The changes in this content help determine the relative age of these fossils.

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Each tree has growth rings in its trunk. This technique dates the time period during which these rings were formed. It determines the period during which certain object was last subjected to heat. It is based on the concept that heated objects absorb light, and emit electrons. The emissions are measured to compute the age.

Relative Vs Absolute Dating

Differentiation Using a Venn Diagram. A Venn diagram depicts both dating methods as two individual sets. The area of intersection of both sets depicts the functions common to both. Take a look at the diagram to understand their common functions.