Led light strip hook up

Choose Your Strip
  1. How to Connect An LED Strip to a Power Supply
  3. 7 Things to Know Before Buying and Installing 12V LED Strip Lights
  4. 7 Things to Know Before Buying and Installing 12V LED Strip Lights

The 6 denotes it is completely sealed from dust, and the 7 means it is protected against temporary submersion in water. A lot of devices are marketed as waterproof, but that can be severely misleading.

  • 12 Volt LED Light Strips: Powering and Wiring.
  • The Basics of 12V Flexible LED Strips.
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Most are actually water-resistant. Here's everything you need to know about it. Whenever you are controlling something which is higher voltage than your microcontroller, you need something in between to stop your board getting fried. When using microcontrollers, it is important to use logic level components in order to ensure things work the way you want them to. Most LED strips have Dupont connectors, which are easy to connect to.

If you want to start working with electronics, you're going to need to learn to solder. Read More should you need it.

How to Connect An LED Strip to a Power Supply

We will be powering our Arduino board by USB for this project. You could choose to power your board using the VIN pin, but make sure you know the power limitations for your board before doing this. Open a new sketch and save it with an appropriate name. This sketch will fade the lights in one color at a time, keep them on for a few seconds, then fade them out until they are off again. You can follow through here and make the sketch yourself, or simply download the complete code from GitHub.

Next you need some variables. We will only be using the main brightness variable for turning the LEDs off, so set it to the maximum brightness value of here. In your setup function we will set our Arduino pins to output. We will also call a couple of functions with a 5 second delay in between. These three for loops take each color up to its full brightness over a time specified by the fadeSpeed value.

This method applies our brightness variable to all three color pins and reduces them to zero over a period of time. We need an empty loop method here too, in order to avoid compilation errors. Once you have completed this sketch, save it. Verify the sketch and upload it to your Arduino board. If you are getting errors, check through the code again for any pesky typos or missing semicolons. Now you should see your LED strip ramp up each color individually, holding the white color for 5 seconds, and then uniformly fade to nothing:. This project is a simple way to get started, but the ideas covered in it can be expanded on to make really effective lighting.

With just a few more components you could create your own sunrise alarm Arduino Night Light and Sunrise Alarm Project Arduino Night Light and Sunrise Alarm Project Today, we'll be making a sunrise alarm clock, which will gently and slowly wake you without resorting to an offensive noise-making machine. Here's a guide to exactly what you'll find in your kit. Plan where the strip lights are needed, how they will be connected, and if they will all come back to the same power supply or have separate power supplies.

This step helps greatly as you progress through the next few steps. What type of power do the LED strips need? That is the easy part, the next step is finding the wattage.


With the below chart, this should not be too terrible if you have already chosen your strip density and your total length. If you are running more than one power supply just note the length of strip that will be running off each to find the power supply size you will need. This is where the sketch from before will come in handy to start considering where you will be running all the strips.

Was the plan to run all the strips together in a long run? If your total length needed is over the maximum run length of the strip As our sketch shows, sometimes you will want to power strips coming from different directions into one common power supply. In this instance you will already be running parallel wires. Wiring LED strips when you are dealing with multiple reels of strips can be tough but we have a powering and wiring guide that you can follow to map out your LED strip light setup.

Connecting LED strips will be necessary for any strip project. We have some helpful accessories and guides to complete any LED strip connection. Soldering wire and your own connections? Make sure to follow our soldering guide and our recommended wire for the strips is found here. Our full LED strip connector guide shows how to use these to make connections that will come in handy for any strip project.

How to Cut, Connect and Power LED Strip Lights

How to connect multiple LED strips to one power source? LED strip splitters make it possible to plug multiple strips into one power supply with ease! LED strip lights are typically dimmed with in-line pulse width modulation dimmers. These dimmers go on the 12 volt side of the system and wire in between the strips like shown. PWM dimmers are popular as they can work with any transformer or battery source, they do not need a power supply that is listed as dimmable.

PWM dimming offers smooth control from the dimmest to brightest settings. Some homeowners already have a central dimming system for their areas.

7 Things to Know Before Buying and Installing 12V LED Strip Lights

In these cases, the owner wants to control the lights with the AC dimmers they already have in place. If you want to use an AC dimmer like this then you will need a dimmable power supply as described here. These controllers control the Red, Green and Blue channels to mix colors and create the color changing effects of the strip. The adhesive on the LED strip lights is very helpful in mounting but sometimes there is more to be desired. As with most adhesives, it does not bond well with some surfaces and may need to be reinforced over time.

In these situations, use one of the following:. Mounting track is another great option for those that want a professional finish. These aluminum extrusions house your light strips and have everything you need to mount. The LED strips adhere to the bottom of the track with a UV protected lens that slides over the top to diffuse the light.

Follow this guide to mount your LED strips properly! This is a lot of information for sure. Expose wires - Using the wire stripper, cut through the outer molding of the wire. You will want to give yourself enough length of wire that it is easy to work with, but not too much as you'll need to be able to cover it back up. Remove casing - Pull on the outer casing of the cable and slide it off the wires inside.

As you do this, be careful not to pull too hard as you could put a short in the cable. Separate wires - The wires will generally be twisted around each other.

7 Things to Know Before Buying and Installing 12V LED Strip Lights

Simply, untwist the wires and separate them so that you have easy access to them. Identify wires - It's possible that the color coding on the wire you're cutting apart won't match the color coding on the power supply. It is very important that you know which wire goes to each part of the plug.