Key dating rumors

  1. Who Has a Girlfriend in SHINee?
  2. K-POP Rumors
  3. What's Hot:
  4. Key East Entertainment issues official statement denying dating rumors | K-Pop Amino
  5. SHINee’s Key Explains Dating Rumors with Infinite’s Woohyun

Miraaaa , gouri , Multifandomkk and 6 others like this.

Who Has a Girlfriend in SHINee?

Jul 27, Messages: Apr 7, Messages: Reminds me of those Kpop prediction accounts, we even had a user called 'Kpop Guru' here years ago, spreading bullsh! Jun 5, Messages: So basically all idols are gay? MirajaneAlpha22 , Kimchilicous , kinkyshit and 16 others like this. Mar 6, Messages: These sound like stuff each one of us can write either from observation or either from imagination.

K-POP Rumors

Most sounds pretty ridiculous to me and why are most of them concentrated on their sexuality? Jul 13, Messages: I wouldn't be surprised at all if the Wanna One one was real. I can't get into them even though I watch pd because most members don't seem to "go well" together. Lol I dont think a straight guy would say this.

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But Key's very blunt. He said "dogs sexuality is confusing! He had to list 5 celebrities he wants to go on WGM with, here's what he listed down: Nicole Kara , 2. Nana after school , 4.

Kpop dating rumors make fans laugh into tears

Jonghyun Shinee , 5. My Bad guys, apparently a fan asked him this question and the fan gave him these names as choices to put them in order. Sorry about that lol. If key wasn't gay wouldn't you think he would've confirmed the rumors by now and set the record straight? After all, He did say he was an honest guy. What if he doesn't care people think he's gay bcuz It's kind of like, we already know, so he doesn't have to confirm anything. Things like 'two members kissed' or 'they are in love with each other'.

There was a rumor claiming we kissed in a car but that's not true. Every time I'm promoting I hear things like that. I just took them as jokes.

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A staff member who visited C's hotel room late at night to brief him on next days agenda was said to have been in shock after finding D in C's room with a red face. Here's a point a commenter made on it: Don't you think the rumor would've mentioned that they were both male? It could've Been anyone else ya know. If it was about key, wouldn't they say "idol member" like they usually do? This rumor seems to talk about a solo singer. Then again, it was suspicious how a lot of Hyeongseops tweets were deleted within a week of the rumor.

Even if it wasn't about them, a lot of people might've tweeted Hyeongseop about it. So he may have deleted them bcuz of it. He even changed his icon to black. Key has used Naver to search people's names before. He mentioned that he reads internet comments about him before. So key knows people think he's gay, yet he doesn't try to hide it. Sometimes he makes it more apparent.

He just doesn't care what other people think. Rumors that he's secretly dating Kara Nicole. Not sure about this one. They look like close friends to me. But why would he keep this a secret? Oh well, I'm sure he has his reasons.

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  • Fly to the Sky and Key discuss dating rumors with their fellow group members;
  • Kpop Idol Dating Rumors | K-Pop Amino.

Also, remember 30 of this list? Notice how he listed her as 1? There was this rumor that they were spotted at a mall buying iPhones for each other for their day anniversary but that was just a rumor though. He did say he was an honest person and can't lie if he really doesn't like something. So maybe he actually does like his ideal types? And isn't lying at all? Also notice Key's "little friend": I think they had to wrestle or something?

Key East Entertainment issues official statement denying dating rumors | K-Pop Amino

I don't remember but their bodies were basically hugging and Jonghyun ended up with a boner Woohyun key's bff is straight also bcuz they said they both have same ideal type but a bit difference. Could Keys ideal type refer to a man? But Woohyuns refer to a woman? He kind of reminds me of Chris oflying a youtuber who was constantly accused of being gay until he made this video:.

SHINee’s Key Explains Dating Rumors with Infinite’s Woohyun

Just scroll down past random comments and you'll eventually find the one with tons of theories. I'll have to admit, after reading this, I can maybe say Key is either gay or maybe pansexual? Sometimes he's girly, sometimes he's manly. You currently have javascript disabled. Several functions may not work.

Please re-enable javascript to access full functionality. Posted 03 July - Did he really said that? He implied that he is indeed dating Woohyun or is this a mistranslation? Did he just subtly outed himself? Funny that Key didn't mention about Jonghyun Did he really said that? When stuff like this happens it reminds me of how much I hate it when people take "shipping" too far.

It has to be SO uncomfortable to the people involved. Could you imagine if a bunch of people held a desire for you to date a close friend in which you have no romantic feelings for at all? It's rude, in my opinion, because when these people find out about it, it makes them not even want to hug their own friends out of fear that people will think they're dating.

No, only that he's got a rumor with him. But yeah, he deftly avoided any pairings in his group.