Adderall hookup

  2. "Adderall Risks: Much More than You Wanted to Know", by Steve Sailer - The Unz Review
  3. white people with that adderall hook up

Mar 15, 4. In college the white kid wasn't the only one with the adderall hookups. I got adderall from my Latina friend that used it to lose weight. Mar 15, 5. Mar 15, 6. I love Addy Don't think I'll ever have her again, but damn if I wasn't laser focused! Mar 15, 7. Don't do it girl! The girl had ADD so I didn't understand why she was giving it away Makes them zombies though Mar 15, 8.

Mar 15, 9. Mar 15, It's not just white people with addys. During finals he hands them out like candies. You may want to be careful though. A friend of mine took one that he gave her and she couldn't sleep for 4 days AFTER she took her final. I have a theory that your friend Riri is on it but Pills are no fucking joke.

I'd rather be hooked on crack.


That's one hard vice to shake. Drink two Red Bulls, smoke some herb and call it a day. I got the same results from Phentermine for losing weight You can get a prescription just by going to the doctor and faking ADHD symptoms.. Anyway, I have a script. Got it when I was Don't put your kids on speed!

The fuk wrong with the world?! I had a friend who moved away and begged for me to send her some..

"Adderall Risks: Much More than You Wanted to Know", by Steve Sailer - The Unz Review

I was like nah sis can't do it. I could cram well, but when it came to taking the exams, my body was acting up like crazy. The American Stock Exchange, no longer exists in physical form…. The Big Board is now little more than a Big Tent for a phony media circus of photo-ops and cable-news talking heads.


Increased productivity resulted in the loss of thousands of trading jobs, replaced by computers and algorithms which are far more efficient than people. Speed — you want current examples? The recent report about bags of Captagon being taped to each assault rifle delivery…too lazy to link, it was in that latest study about ISIS weapons. All of your blue collar work is aided by it — especially now, since so many are on opiates. Meth is the coffee of much of the current blue collar class.

But the largest impact is in the silicon valley set. They are ALL on it. They are ALL assholes with no broad thought process. They take one before work, and one at lunch. Many of them take downers at night to go to sleep, just like they did when they were kids. The entire millenial generation has been taught to be drug addicts from toddlerhood.

white people with that adderall hook up

Erectile dysfunction, paranoia, shallow and impulsive thinking. But without Adderall, who would code the Dating Apps?? Speed, code, speed, code, app-date. Or for the ugly, porn. Coding more and longer…was it worth it? If you want to create an army of mindless compulsive drones, it certainly is. Literally every creative person suffers and declines after they introduce speed to their regime. Speed say, in short bursts during international bombing runs or for fueling a savage mercenary army is its only practical application.

Adderall and Anti-Depressants is basically 21st Century slavery. No one wants anyone to complain anymore. I would think not, because there is no definitive diagnostic test for ADD, except an inability to function or complete tasks in a setting where it is desirable to function. For correct diagnosis various other possibilities must be excluded such as a metabolic dysfunction, brain damage, toxicity for example lead poisoning , neurosyphilis, and then if all findings are negative you are left with ADD which is supposed to be a manifestation of undetectable brain malfunction, possibly acquired during gestation or around the time of birth.

The hardest diagnosis is differentiating between ADD and common or garden stupidity or lack of home training. For a diagnosis of ADD the symptoms must be present for at least 6 months and in more than one setting so not only in school, but never at home. The documentary Bigger, Stronger, Faster does an excellent job of litigating just that point. The film showcases the hypocrisy of a society awash in performance enhancing drugs that bans their use in sports, while basing entire industries on their promotion elsewhere.

I know a guy with ADHD. The second grey box on this site is a list of diagnostic criteria for ADHD. As with most psychiatric disorders, most people probably display a few of the diagnostic criteria but not to the degree that it becomes incapacitating. The problem is that ADHD drugs may do little to help them.

Messing with the brain is not a free lunch, though as with Gwern, I believe when done with care and understanding it can lead to overall benefits. I generally agree that the brain is no longer well optimized for modern society; that and distractions have become too well optimized. Birth control for women, for example, has permanent effects on the brain. One can only wonder if it has caused other cultural effects once it came into widespread use.

The blood-brain barrier is designed to generally condition our brains from being influenced by diet but with all of the newfound methods of getting around it, its no longer working all that well. But, that probably would have happened regardless of the ciggies. Non-smokers were thin before the great change too. Sure, the smoker felt better with his haze, but the non-smoker was gagging. Part time jobs are continuous work, like what I do now. I go into the office and get to work immediately and I leave when the work is done. Takes anywhere from 2 to 3 hours.

After using the lozenges for about 12 months i upgraded to Swedish Snus , a form of smokeless tobacco which is dried, not cured like American chew…thus no need to spit and less carcinogens than the American smokeless tobacco. Not only did nicotine help me stop using Ritalin, it reduced my caffeine consumption and helped me reduce my drinking.

Nicotine really is an amazing drug. To put it lightly, they were disgusting creeps who definitely did not display such traits of love or understanding, not while forcing preteens to do porn for a little more cash. I have tried them both and they both work.

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Nootropics are a big industry. I also drink green tea a lot. Well, first they give you an SSRI to chemically lobotomize you, and then they give you speed to bring the robot out of its torpor ready for whatever busywork needs doing. Speed-amended, brain damaged torpor is where we are as a country.

And that this silicon valley bro subculture has so embraced it as a daily bread, and minimizing or flat out denying the negative impacts just further proves how brain damaged and subpar their constitutions were in the first place. To say that the great poets and cultural figures needed it to excel is ahistorical, it was recreational and perfunctory to a preconceived goal, always. The blue collar workforce is the most assiduously drug-tested of all. You have any idea of the liabilities involved with the machines these people operate?

Blue collar workers drink energy drinks and consume a lot of sugar candy, donuts, etc. BTW, most people on opiates are on disability or some other form of state assistance. The factories are mostly gone, the Textron plant I worked in back in the day was relocated to Mexico — in Up to that point it just lets you work longer and more enthusiastically.

Could drink 5 cups of strong Brazilian style coffee in the old days. Jacob Sullum listed it as such in one of his libertarian legalization pieces. I have done sugar fasts where by far the most striking results were not with weight but with stability of mood. Every celebration menu has lots of sugar to guarantee guest happiness. Athletes have those too. Did you know they sell fake dehydrated pee powder just add water online? Also, I know a guy who actually faked a hair follicle test somehow. The Pirates of The Caribbean series is a case in point.