Radioactive isotope dating is fallible

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Otherwise, calibration consists of comparing results with ages determined by other radiometric dating methods. However, tests of radiometric dating methods have often shown that they do not agree with known ages of rocks that have been seen to form from volcanic eruptions in recent and historic times, and there are also examples of radiometric dating methods not agreeing with each other. Young earth creationists therefore claim that radiometric dating methods are not reliable and can therefore not be used to disprove Biblical chronology.

Although radiometric dating methods are widely quoted by scientists , they are inappropriate for aging the entire universe due to likely variations in decay rates. Scientists insist that Earth is 4. A geological guidebook published by the Queensland government acknowledges that the dates are not absolute, but must be interpreted:. One example of scientists not accepting radiometric dates is that of Mungo Man , a human fossil from New South Wales. When originally found, it was dated by radiocarbon dating at around 30, years old.

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This was later revised to 40, years. Another scientist later used other methods to derive a date of 62, years. The original discoverer, unconvinced by this result, used a different method again, and again came up with a date of 40, years. The fallibility of dating methods is also illustrated by the fact that dating laboratories are known to improve the likelihood of getting a "correct" date by asking for the expected date of the item. For example, the Sample Record Sheet for the University of Waikato Radiocarbon Dating Laboratory asks for the estimated age, the basis for the estimate, and the maximum and minimum acceptable ages.

There are several major types of radiometric dating in use: No method exists for measuring time , except by measuring it as it is passing. Therefore, the age of an artifact must be calculated. The basic principle in any dating method is to find a process that is occurring at a measurable rate and which is causing a change, measure the rate of that process, work out what state the artifact was in at the beginning of the process, observe what state it is in now, and to calculate how long the process at the measured rate would need to occur to effect that change.

For example, to work out how long a candle has been burning, the following steps would be needed:. For most radiometric dating methods, one radioactive element changes by a process of nuclear decay into another element often through a number of intermediate steps. For example, uranium will eventually decay into lead. So to measure how old a specimen containing some uranium and some lead is, the following steps are required:.

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South African Journal of Geology 1: Sibley, Andrew August Variable radioactive decay rates and the changes in solar activity. Creation Ministries International from the Journal of Creation 27 2: Retrieved January 4, RATE group reveals exciting breakthroughs! Walker, Tas April Radioactive decay rate depends on chemical environment.

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Creation Ministries International from the Journal of Creation 14 1: Woodmorappe, John August Billion-fold acceleration of radioactivity demonstrated in laboratory. Creation Ministries International from the Journal of Creation 15 2: Thomas, Brian August 5, Radioactive Decay Rates Not Stable.

Institute for Creation Research. Problems with the Assumptions. Knapp, Alex May 3, When Geologists Where Historians, Cornell University Press, Quoted in Lamb, Retrieved from " https: Earth Sciences Radioactivity Physics. Navigation menu Personal tools Create account Log in. Namespaces Page talk page. Views Read View source View history.

Radiometric Dating Does Work! | NCSE

This page was last modified on 26 September , at Their claims about the unreliability of radiometric dating, and the reality of accelerated nuclear decay that compressed millions of years of apparent radiometric history into less than a year, were vindicated. Not a word of it was true.

The research that was reported — or rather distorted — by ICR was performed by G. Published in the January 22, issue of Science [2], the study investigated whether two uranium isotopes always occur in the same ratio in meteorites. In previous measurements on samples from the Earth, the Moon, and meteorites, the ratio between U and U had generally been found to have the same value, In Pb-Pb dating, scientists measure the concentrations of two lead isotopes, one derived from the decay of U, and the other from U The equation used to derive the age from Pb-Pb measurements requires scientists to know the ratio between the two uranium isotopes.

Radiometric Dating Does Work!

Brennecka and his colleagues measured the uranium isotope ratio in thirteen calcium-aluminum-rich inclusions CAIs from the Allende meteorite, which fell on Mexico in Probably the best-studied meteorite in the world, Allende is an unusually large example of a primitive class of meteorites called carbonaceous chrondrites. Evidence shows that its CAIs include some of the first solids to condense during the birth of the Solar System, and their age is thought to represent the age of the Solar System itself.

Using refinements of existing techniques, Brennecka et al. This small variation, if confirmed in further studies, is enough to bring about a change in the radiometric dates of meteorites, and of the Solar System, of about 0.

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  • Radiometric dating - Conservapedia;

The work by Brannecka et al. The variation they found is apparently due to an excess of U, and the most likely explanation is enrichment of this isotope by decay of a curium isotope, Cm But no one has detected this short-lived isotope in the Solar System before, and it is only created in certain types of supernovae. This new work, suggesting the existence of supernova-derived atoms in the protoplanetary disk, may have important implications for the evolution of the Solar System, and its relationship to its galactic environment.

So much for real science. What did ICR make of all this? The honest thing, of course, would have been to withdraw the article, with a full explanation and a public apology to the scientists whose work was so blatantly misrepresented.

Instead, ICR kept the article and the references to Brannecka et al. Their conclusions are immune to facts. This tiny correction testifies to the precision and reliability of current radiometric dating technology. For less-technical online explanations of the research, see the ASU press release and the article by L. February 6, at 6: Jellison February 8, at March 11, at 7: February 27, at 6: