Dating split personality

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  4. Coping with and Addressing Your Partner’s DID

A self-deprecating voice inside told me I had no chance of getting better. I lived in an emotional black hole. However, in order to do so successfully, you must also understand the nature of their illness and how it is affecting the both of you. Being in a relationship with someone whose personality can change swiftly and without warning is a difficult experience, one that can easily cause friction and turmoil within the relationship. In order to deal with this trauma, people with this illness create alternate psyches as a coping mechanism to dissociate themselves from the pain of the trauma.

Understanding this can help you better empathize with why they are feeling the way they are, anticipate when symptoms of their illness are most likely to manifest , and provide them with the support that they need during the moments when they feel lost. If and when you do approach them, be sure to do so in the most gentle, non-confrontational way possible. Since dissociation is a coping mechanism which has developed to help them deal with stress, an aggressive encounter could trigger a dissociative episode. Calmly and compassionately emphasize your reasons for wanting them to get treatment—your love for them, your concern for their health, and your desire to protect and maintain the bond you share with them—and remind them that treatment will, in the long run, be beneficial both for each of you as individuals and for your relationship.

Symptoms of Multiple Personalities: When Your Partner Might Need Residential Treatment for DID

At the end of the day, being able to understand and support your partner with DID will make it easier for you to gently usher them into the direction of comprehensive residential treatment. Through professional, compassionate care, your partner can address the trauma at the root of their DID and begin to live their life without feeling lost amongst their various psyches. So these factors might have contributed, but not sure if they caused. Do they have distinct ways of behaving? Is it considered cheating if you were physical, while another personality was showing?

How do you assure that does not happen? When do switches occur? Can they occur throughout the day? Is it more of a spectrum, or clear cut switches between personalities? Can she remember all the things the others do, or is she completely cut off?

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I've asked a few questions yesterday and thank you for answering them! This is the GF typing. I absolutely loved all of your questions. You are definitely welcome, and if you have any more questions, post them away! My boyfriend and I enjoy answering them, and your questions have been so intriguing even for us.

The Switch

We wish you nothing but the best- and remember, if you have a question, don't hesitate to ask! Its the BF, I would let her decide because i'm fine with both decisions. The personalities are nice to talk to cause it does feel like i'm meeting the same person but in a different year, so her memories and experiences are different. If they all went away, it just mean that I would be with my Girlfriend the entire time which I am also fine with it but i will miss some of the personalities especially 'baby' since i treat her like my own kid. When a personality that doesn't doesn't have continuous memory appears, are they confused about where they are or who BF is?

Do they understand that they are not the "main" person? Yes, they get very confused about where they are and why their current boyfriend is not there. Usually I ask them what year it is to assess the situation, and have to explain to them that they've broken up and they're currently dating me.

Dating someone with multiple personality disorder - 10 great places to meet Man

Some of them do understand they're not the "main" person. The younger ones don't. The ones that are already aware of the diagnosis older ones tend to be self-aware that they are just alters. That is very interesting to me that some of the alters know they're alters. Thanks for being such good sports answering our questions! It's a diagnosis that I imagine.

Well because it's a timeline, the ones who are self-aware after being diagnosed are indifferent- because they know it's just "a DID thing". So if a 21 year old personality came out she was diagnosed at 20 , and knew she's not 'real', she'd be pretty chilled about it. The alters prior to diagnosis react differently. So say a 14 year old personality 'comes out' and I explain it's now , she may become distressed, confused, upset, depressed, etc. So alters that don't know they have DID sometimes freak out, get quite distressed, or mainly don't quite understand what's going on so they're just confused.

She told me one time when she was high on her prescribed medication sleeping pills. We were on the phone, as she wasn't feeling well and asked me if I could stay on the phone with her until her medication kicks in so she'd fall asleep with company.

Coping with and Addressing Your Partner’s DID

She doesn't remember the conversation now. I told her the next day that she's revealed her diagnosis to me whilst high on her meds. She was surprised that I still stuck around, and it basically went from there! Hi there, idk if your gonna answer this but I thought is give it a try. I've recently started having a crush on this girl named Charlotte, she's 8 days younger than me and has DID. She's comfortable telling me about her DID and has let me know about everyone one of her different personalities. She referred the way that her alters present themselves similar to the movie split but I guess that's kinda just her thing.

I have a really big crush on her.


I've met 2 of her personalities, Cassie: Cassie is 7 I think, it's either 6 or 7. I have also met Scarlet.

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  • Scarlet is seen as a meaner alter but she's the protector. Both of these 2 alters have met me and I've gotten to know them a bit. They both know that I'm autistic and we make jokes about it.

    First, I am not out to chastise anyone who suffers from DID

    Cassie is really funny at times but I refrain from being rude in front of her. Scarlet doesn't mind as much but I still keep a bit of a boundary. Sorry for giving my fill story but I thought you should know before answering my questions. How do I flirt with her without screwing it up. I've thought of the multiple personalities being in a house your head and the knes that are present are in the living room together, is this an accurate way to see it?