Baby dating scan accuracy

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  4. Can your pregnancy scan give the wrong due date?

How is a dating scan performed?

It's used to see how far along in your pregnancy you are and check your baby's development. Your midwife or doctor will book you a dating scan appointment.

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It will usually take place at your local hospital ultrasound department. The person performing the scan is called a sonographer. You may need to have a full bladder for this scan, as this makes the ultrasound image clearer. You can ask your midwife or doctor before the scan if this is the case. Find out more about what happens during a pregnancy ultrasound scan. Some abnormalities may also be detected at this scan, such as neural tube defects spina bifida is a type of neural tube defect.

Wrong due date from ultrasound scan - why it happens | MadeForMums

Screening for Down's syndrome will happen at the dating scan if:. The screening test for Down's syndrome used at this stage of pregnancy is called the "combined test". It involves a blood test and measuring the fluid at the back of the baby's neck nuchal translucency with an ultrasound scan. This is sometimes called a nuchal translucency scan.

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The nuchal translucency measurement can be taken during the dating scan. Find out more about the combined screening test for Down's syndrome. You won't be offered the combined screening test if your dating scan happens after 14 weeks. Instead, you will be offered another blood test between 14 and 20 weeks of pregnancy to screen for the risk of Down's syndrome. Any opinions greatly received Thanks! Posted Saturday 05 March Implantation bleeding Post-pregnancy bleeding hCG levels chart Pregnancy due date calculator.

From my understanding, any scan after 10wks is not overly accurate for dating, but I could be wrong. In short, no scans that late are not accurate for dating. If you know the date of your LMP and length of cycle then that will give you an accurate date. Babies measuring small at 20 weeks just says you have a small baby in there. Out of curiosity what was the birthweight of your DS?? I had the same thing happen with my DD.

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At the 20 weeks scan she measured 17 weeks and they made me go back in 2 weeks when she measured 19 weeks. They tried to push my dates back but like you I knew when my LMP was and cycle length and I had had a scan at 9 weeks which was right for my dates.

Can your pregnancy scan give the wrong due date?

DD was born at 39 weeks weighing in at a whopping 4lb 11 or g tongue. No scan for dating is always right. Mine have being cause i knew my last AF and how long it went for. If you are concerned ask you doctor and see if you can have another scan done at a later date.

Nodrog New Zealand Total posts: It seems pretty unlikely that you would ovulate 3 weeks late! My midwife said any scans after 12 weeks aren't accurate as by then the genetic differences will have started to show eg I'm 5 ft 9 and DH is 6 ft 3 so our baby is likely to be bigger than someone who is 5 ft 2 with a partner of 5 ft 9 IYKWIM.

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  6. With my current pregnancy I knew my LMP date but didn't get a positive test until over a week after AF was due, it turned out that I ovulated a week late. But as I said earlier it is pretty unlikely that you would have ovulated 3 weeks late without noticing as that is a week after your AF should have shown up.

    Two bouncy boys New Zealand Total posts: No as acurate but neither is going off the date of your LMP With it so far out they will probably go off the new date. I know the exact date of my last LMP but I know I wasnt preg just opver 2 weeks ago but if im preg now im on day 68 of my cycle witch would make me like 8 - 10 weeks pregnant when I would really be no more then 5 weeks.

    With my last pregnancy I knew the dates of my LMP and went for a dating scan which showed a 4 week difference in dates.

    How accurate is a due date that is determined by ultrasound?

    It turned out that AF had just not arrived the previous month so my LMP was actually 6 weeks prior to her being conceived making a 4 week variance if that makes sense?