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Judaism 101: Jewish Attitudes Toward Non-Jews
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At no other point in modern history, until our time, were Jews able to teach Gentiles. The Rebbe pointed this out many times in his talks. One needs to realize that when you get close to something holy, it may appear dark. For example, on a day of Rosh Chodesh, the date of the new moon, the moon is all dark when the day starts. Why start the festive first day of a lunar month when the moon is darkest, and not at its brightest, i.

No one can deny that the darkest point in modern Jewish history was the Holocaust. But after that, the Land of Israel was returned to the Jews, and ever since, that amazing nation has been making incredible accomplishments in spite of great obstacles. If the purpose of the physical world is to make it a dwelling place for G-d, and a Jew does this by spiritually refining the world, then spreading the Seven Laws of Noach to spiritually refine the Gentiles must certainly be at the forefront of that task, and it must be that now is the time.

Other than that, what major thing is left to do? No, I am not saying the Jews have perfected their Jewishness. That is endless and will continue to be worked on, even after Moshiach comes. What is important for us now is refining the world enough for that time to come, and it has to include refining the Gentiles too. A lot of Jews say they want Moshiach. But for many of them, they still want to be passive bystanders in the process. They want to want Moshiach. This is seen in other areas as well.

For example, the observance of their daily prayers. I contend that nothing ever stops a conscious person from praying. If you want to pray, then pray! Do you want him?

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  • Judaism Jewish Attitudes Toward Non-Jews;

But how many people want to do those things? The Rebbe gave very good advice about how a person can motivate himself to actually want to bring Moshiach — such as learning about how immeasurably great it will be, compared to what we seem to be stuck with now. Noahide Laws , Opinion. Its pretty sad that a gentile is telling Jews what both Hashem and the Rebbe told us to do. If we put half the effort into the seven laws as we put into the tefillin campaign, Geulah would be here.

Tefillin is great… lets do more. Currently you have JavaScript disabled. He would willingly go through fire and water to attain the answer, for what is life to him without knowing its purpose? Rabbi Elchanan Wasserman elaborates, "The wonders of creation demand of every intelligent person to arrive at the conclusion that they were created by a Divinity. Therefore, each man will be judged if he does not do what is expected of him by reason of this innate intelligence emphasis my own, editor " Kovetz Maamarim.

For a Jew, this conclusion " each man will be judged if he does not do what is expected of him by reason of this innate intelligence" obligates Torah observance; for a non-Jew, this conclusion obligates observance of the Seven Mitzvot Bnei Noach. How can I observe the Seven Mitzvot?

Let's take a look at the seven mitzvot and what they entail. The essence of the Seven Laws of Noach is the prohibition of idol-worship or idolatry. We are prohibited from serving or worshipping any created thing - no human being, no angel, no plant, no star, nor the four fundamentals earth, water, fire, and air , nor anything formulated from them. To properly observe the prohibition against idol-worship, one must become aware of God's unity. We are not allowed to think that there is another deity besides God.

We are not allowed to own an idol, make an idol, or have someone make one for us. We are not allowed to worship an idol. We are not allowed to bow to an idol, to sacrifice to an idol, to pour libation or burn incense before an idol, even where it is not the customary manner of worship to the particular idol. We are not allowed to turn to idolatry, in word, thought, deed or by any observance that might draw us to its worship.

Do not curse God. It is the only prohibition involving speech rather than action, and demonstrates the importance of this uniquely human attribute. We are prohibited from committing homicide. God has charged us with protecting and safeguarding human life — both our own and that of others.

We wish them a great life together with blessing!

Except in cases of self-defense, judicial sentences of lawful warfare, the punishment for murder is capital punishment, as it states, "He who spills the blood of man, by man will his blood be spilled, for in the image of God he made man" Bereishit 9: We are also forbidden to harm another person, including a fetus.

Abortion is prohibited, as it states, "He who spills the blood of man within man" Bereishit 9: The Talmud comments, "While he is within a man" Sanhedrin 57b. A sick or injured person may not have their life shortened. This is explained that even if one feels that the sufferer is his "brother" in other words, in need of compassion, it is prohibited to shorten his life. In other words, euthanasia and mercy killing is prohibited.

God charged us safe-guarding human life, our own included, as it states, "And only the blood of your soul I will require" Bereishit 9: Therefore, suicide is prohibited. Male masturbation spilling one's seed is also frowned upon, and considered to be an act of murderous character, as we see from the story of Er and Onan, who were subject to the Seven Mitzvot Bnei Noach.

Masturbation is punished by the hand of Heaven. Sexual misconduct is prohibited; God has commanded mankind concerning proper sexual behavior and relationships. Within all of Creation, there is no rule that permits any individual to break the sexual laws because of his or her "own true nature. A man may not have a union with his mother.

A man may not have a union with his sister. A man may not have a union with his father's wife. A man may not have a union with another man's wife. A man may not copulate with a beast. A man may not lie carnally with a male. We must refrain from conduct that may lead to a prohibited union. Lesbianism is considered an "abomination. Although non-Jews are not commanded to marry before beginning a sexual relationship, they are encouraged to do so. Through marriage, we cultivate the finer elements in our sexual behavior, and in developing a strong, loving marriage, we not only enhance our own lives, but we provide future generations with the necessary foundations for lead a God-fearing lives.

We are prohibited from stealing money, or any object whether animate, i.

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The prohibition of theft may, in fact, be the hardest of all the Seven Mitzvot Bnei Noach to obey since the opportunity to steal presents itself to us almost constantly. What does this commandment entail? We are not allowed to steal. We are not allowed to cheat. We are not allowed to repudiate a claim of money that we owe. We are not allowed to overcharge. We are not allowed to kidnap.

We are not allowed to use or even possess false weights and measures. If we have stolen, we must return or pay for the stolen object. This prohibition has nothing to do with physical health or hygiene. It has to do with the spiritual constitution, because the eating of live meat is at the root source of cruelty and selfishness. Eating even a tiny amount of living flesh flesh taken from a living animal , whether cooked or raw, violates the prohibition.

The intent of this prohibition is not to promote vegetarian practices.

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Before the Flood, meat of any kind was forbidden as food. After the Flood, God told Noach that meat would be permitted as long as this one condition was maintained in preparing it. All food prohibitions in the Torah have deep mystical significance, and the prohibition of eating live flesh is explicit, as it is written in Bereishit Genesis 9: But flesh with its living soul, its blood, you shall not eat.

What is entailed in this prohibition? We are not allowed to eat a limb that was severed from a live animal, beast, fish or fowl. We are not allowed to eat the flesh of any animal that was torn by a wild beast, which, in parts prohibits the eating of such flash as was torn off an animal while it was still alive. The world cannot be left to anarchy. There must be a well organized system of law so that people can be judged equitably and not take the law into their own hands. Our Sages state, "Anyone who judges truthfully is as if he became a partner with God in creating the world.

Although honoring our parents is not one of the Seven Mitzvot Bnei Noach, when a non-Jew who honors his parents he is rewarded for making the world a better place. Noach's son, Ham, was punished for degrading his father Bereishit 9: Similarly, Lot was praised for risking his life to bring guests into Sodom, a city that had outlawed hospitality Bereishit 19 The Midrash states that Avraham visited his son, Yishmael, to see if he was hospitable to guests.

When Yishmael's wife failed to welcome him, Avraham advised Yishmael to divorce her. Bnei Noach are charged with cultivating good character traits and striving to come close to the Almighty through prayer and through bringing offerings in the Beit Hamikdash, the Holy Temple, may it be rebuilt speedily and in our days, as it states: Join the distribution list.

Special Days for Noahides

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