Tinder dating stories blog

From great dates to bad dates to everything in between, we share your dating stories.
  1. What Happened When I Went On 28 Tinder Dates in 28 Days
  2. 28 back-to-back Tinder dates? Horrifying and eye-opening in equal measure...
  3. Tinder dating stories - NoDa Brewing Company

Date 24 had a boat, that he sailed and lived on in? His boat was somewhere in between. Date 24 and I agreed to meet up at the dock at 8.

My Experience on Tinder (A Horror Story) // amy young

I felt like I was really overcommitting myself this whole dating concept for my friends and families enjoyment. Thankfully, Date 24 seemed relatively normal and wheeled towards me with long curly hair, the most impressive beard and ultimately looked like handsome Jesus in a wheelchair. He was a trained sky diving instructor based in Queenstown for years before his accident. He switched himself and his passenger at the last second to ensure the safety of the other guy who had a young baby and his wife watching him. He broke his back, is now in a wheelchair and is the first paraplegic to sail across the Pacific Ocean.

This guy had serious swagger and ultimate game.

What Happened When I Went On 28 Tinder Dates in 28 Days

After about 20 minutes of our stroll across the dock, I felt like he was literally too old for me and was telling me the tales of his youth. He dated an FHM model back in the states for fucks sake. I adored talking to him but in the same way I liked talking to my Grandpa in small doses, twice a year. I made up some adorable excuse about meeting a friend another Tinder date in Mt Maunganui and we had this peck on the cheek where I had to bend down — stoked. I wanted to write about this before I talk about the date with the guy in a wheelchair also known as Date Like the self-obsessed person I am, I wondered whether she knew who I was.

  • Tinder Tales: The Worst Date of Life Ever - Blonde and Butter?
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  • Crazy Tinder dating stories from an Australian guy! - Album on Imgur.
  • 1. Mr Whip My Cock Out on the First Date, 35, Interior Designer.

When it comes to relationships, flings and the things in between, there are pros and cons to being young and naive vs. It was literally the best time ever pashing guys when I was I had this boyfriend who I had met on the train going to school who after 6 months cheated on me and pashed another girl, so I pashed another guy to even things out.

Like, case in point — a few weeks ago I was Facebook stalking an ex of mine that I had met on Tinder way before 30DaysofTinder and he had gone up and done the Tongariro Crossing with this girl. Naturally, I facebook stalked the shit out of her and found out that she had also done date-like adventures in Wellington with Date 2 and Date 3 and documented it on the internet.

What are the odds of that? One time when I was going out with a guy at a party, his ex-girlfriend was there too since she was friends with his friends. Well, in this case I hoped so because this girl was better than me in almost every single way. Needless to say, she was massively disappointed. Do people go back for more with these fuckboys? Apologies for the delay in uploading. I was quite enthused about this guy. I must admit, I was intrigued to meet him.

We were having paragraph-long conversations with sly flirtatious banter which was enough to mask the whole him-being-a-lawyer-thing. Let me clear this up really quickly: I am in no way against lawyers. He was at Court all day on the day we were supposed to meet and said he was going to let me know whether or not he could make it since it was possible it was going to run late. This guy smelt great and looked great and the only effort I had made was putting on perfume and red lipstick.

He was sitting outside Dockside waiting for me where he had a drink seriously, I was only five minutes late! His work was definitely his life but he had other redeeming qualities, like his family and sports that he played on the weekends and not watched on the TV. After about 15 minutes with Date 23 I started noticing all these Yo-Pros I knew by association filtering into Dockside.

I thought it was being held at Foxglove? The weather dropped and Date 23 suggested we go inside and have a second drink. The night was going well and he was still smelling good. A good friend came up which I have to say, in case he reads this, who knew about my excessive dating habits, and he introduced himself to my date like the good networker he is. Some of them were normal, like who would you invite to dinner out of anyone, living, famous or dead etc. I must have thrown in Britney Spears in there for good measure and to make the whole hypothetical dinner situation awkward if it was Britney.

Regardless, it made me sound like I was super into my family, super humble and not too obsessed with celebrity. It was like a prize for not sounding stupid. We continued with the thought-provoking questions for another drink, but as it was nearing 8pm, it was getting late and I was getting hangry. Date 23 walked me to my Uber, held the door and kissed my cheek before walking into the rain.

  1. Tinder dating stories blog?
  2. Crazy Tinder dating stories from an Australian guy!.
  3. Tinder dating stories;
  4. He insisted he was going to walk back to his fancy ass hotel, in this ridiculous rain even though I offered to drop him off in my Uber. As Date 23 lived in Christchurch and was leaving the next day, it was unlikely a second date was on the cards anytime soon. We continued to text and snapchat for a while until he started sending me half naked snapchats. By accidentally, I mean a journalist found my last name, took a photo from my instagram which, admittedly, was public. I said to the journalist who had contacted me at 5. Sadly, it was already off to print and my face was planted on the front page when I woke up the next morning.

    Nothing like some inspirational pep talk from your ex who came in handy when I needed reminding that no one actually cares about my life. Then the day after the first story was released, it happened again but with a follow up story. I was just rolling with the punches at this point. I got a private message from an Australian journalist who asked me a few questions for their website.

    I agreed since I thought it would be the same story and if I knew about it and was kind of interviewed, surely it would be okay? People started accusing me of being self-obsessed and over the weekend I probably have been and that is a reaction to when your dating blog which remember, was initially written for friends and family goes kinda viral. I said something about this in the beginning about not trying to invent the wheel, for those who bothered to read that far back. I rung my Mother hungover on Sunday morning declaring that I spent 24 years being insecure about the wrong thing on my face!

    28 back-to-back Tinder dates? Horrifying and eye-opening in equal measure...

    It truly was a revelation. The truth is that no one really cares, but they care enough to feel enraged about or comment about something like a dating blog but probably stay silent on the real issues that go on in the world. Why do short people have a hard time raising a family? Because they struggle to put food on the table. You mean… I am below average height?!?!? Kia Ora Date 26 was …. Jesus take the wheel. Would you hold it against me? But I think the actual picture above is a mug shot. No, just a shame for you. But not your standards His boat was somewhere in between.

    When we were consecutively done peeing, he took me by the hand and hugged and kissed me. The chemistry was apparent from the start and the sex was incredible. We clicked in every single way and I was on cloud nine for days afterwards. I swiped right on Mr Best Date Ever because of a picture of him lying down next to a lion. We immediately hit it off talking about animals and he invited me on a date… to the zoo. It was one of the best days ever. All the zoo workers knew him because he has a season ticket… to the zoo!

    We walked around the whole zoo and even saw the dolphin show. I turned up with unwashed hair and no makeup on, and apparently I was 'just his style. Call me again when you get a pet lion. This handsome fella with piercing blue eyes happens to live right near me. I was really busy this particular day so we agreed to meet briefly nearby and go for a walk. We went our separate ways, agreeing that I would message him when I got some time.

    Later that evening, while finishing up I got a message from him: Unfortunately, he had work to do and so did I, so we had to make do with a walk to the car to say goodbye. When arranging our date, the conversation was so dry and formal, 'Wanna meet? His response was that it was weird for him too, which made me feel better so I decided to go. I was running about 20 minutes late and while I was on my way he text and said he was nervous and felt like people were looking at him. I thought he was just being cute so I called him up and started our date telephonically.

    Tinder dating stories - NoDa Brewing Company

    This guy was gorgeous; tall, fit, ambitious, with piercing blue eyes, and he was wearing an impeccable suit. He looked like someone who had it together. He kept looking around the whole night like someone was out to get him or like he was on the run. We had our drink, called it a night after around an hour, and he whizzed off on his scooter. No idea what that was all about. Mr Heavy Metal, not being big on messaging, asked for my telephone number pretty much straight away.

    A few friendly phone-calls ensued and he invited me to go to his bar. I went and felt like I was in an episode of an American sitcom. Stereotypical middle-aged rockers with glasses, Metallica T-shirts, round glasses and either a long straggly hair or b no hair through no choice of their own. He was taller and handsomer than his pictures had led me to believe and he was quite handsy and even kissed me when I left. The date was OK, I guess.