Naruto dating tsume fanfiction

  1. Naruto The Fallen One Chapter 1, a naruto fanfic | FanFiction

Will they have kids together?. Will Hana have kids with Naruto?. Will Naruto become Hokage in the future?. What will happen in the future for Konoha?. He gave him his eyes because I had lost my eye when I did a foolish mistake on a mission. Then I lost the women I loved because she disappeared on the battlefield which I tried to find her but can't find anything at all.

Then I lost Minato who was like a 2nd father to me that is why I showed signs of hate to you. Because the Kyuubi took away the last person that I cared about. I'm sorry for what I have been to you. I just hope you let me make it up to you once the chuunin test is over. I'm being forced to take Sasuke and train him for the time being.

He just wishes that he could go back in time and be with the three people that he cares about and loves. Naruto couldn't believe someone as Kakashi with his pride was asking him to forgive him like this. Only bad thing that Kakashi did to him was not train him but Naruto understands that why now. He needs to move on and let the past go before it kills him. But also he knows that Naruto is right about it may kill him or the ones around him. You're not lucky person your one lucky bastard.

Sakura you need to train on your own for the time being. Naruto most likely Tsume can train you in more than one area and maybe that kind of training will be more fun.. Naruto starts to walk off to his place. He needs to get a new change of clothes on. As he walks to his house he stops by the dango shop because he sees Kurenai and Anko talking. When he gets closer Kurenai looks at him which Anko just giggles at him. Anko couldn't believe that he was really dating Tsume and that she had tired clothes on for him.

Naruto just slaps himself on the head inside his mind. She most of told Anko about Tsume trying on clothes in front of him or something like that. If it is then how come it's so funny then? I know this all started with it. Kurenai blushed and now you're laughing because of it. She had never tired clothes on like that in front of someone. Then again she has only been naked in front of someone only one time and that was the first time she had sex.

But Anko on the other hand though it was so funny because her best friend was blushing about talking about it. But you will have fun tonight with your Tsume and maybe she will tell us all about it. Do all women around here share stories like that with each other? Also how did she know about tonight did she talk to Tsume or something.

Just say hello or sit there bored?

You really need to learn more about women Naruto-kun. Sometimes he wonders why things always happen to him.

Pain vs Kiba and His Mother

He wonders if the Hokage will help him train but he wishes he doesn't have to ask him for help. He hates the man but he knows that he is still Hokage and even if it was all a lie he was there for him. He may not trust him and may never trust him but he wasn't the one that he wants to kill.

The one he wants to kill is that old hawk and leader of the root anbu. But he does remember the times when the old man helped him and watched over him so maybe one day he can forgive him. When he gets to the tower he sees the girl from the sand village outside the door that leads inside the tower. Naruto walks over to her as she sees him she worries what he will do to her. He reminds her of her brother who is a jailer just like he is but her brother only one tail and Naruto is the nine tail.

She doesn't know how well his mind is because if he has stronger one then maybe his mind is crazier than Gaara. Sorry that I don't remember your name. She had though he was going to hurt like because of the demon inside of him. But maybe not all of them jailers are crazy like her brother which she hopes so. He figures that he most because of what happened at the genin fight.

But he couldn't blame her for being scared of him after what he did in the fighting arena. Sometimes he wonders why he's not sacred of himself. I don't know why you are so scared of me but you really don't need to be. She couldn't believe that he didn't have an aura like her younger brother did. How come he doesn't have the share time of aura after all they both have demons sealed inside of them. She remembered my name but I forget hers. That one way mess things up before I start". Why are you wondering what I'm doing?

But it doesn't come close to the one Tsume has.

Then again in his mind no one can come close to being better than his hime. Do you want see my human form ass to, ahah you say that I'm a pervert but look at you. Naruto smirks as he starts thinking of images of Kyuubi in her human form in doggy and he taking her from behind. Kyuubi blushes as she sees the things he is thinking of and stops teasing him. Naruto starts to walk inside as he sees the old man sitting in his chair like always. The Hokage was wondering why he was here to see him but he was glad that Naruto had walked into this office again.

Naruto The Fallen One Chapter 1, a naruto fanfic | FanFiction

He may not know why Naruto was here but he just hopes one day he can forgiven this old fool of a man. Naruto looks at him which he doesn't like that he may need this old man's help. But he knows sometimes in order to grow stronger you need to move your pride aside and hate as well. But this way he may get Naruto to learn to like the village and forgive them. So he knows that he was going to do whatever he can in order to make it up to him and if elders don't like it then they can all go to hell. That is because this village has took everything away from him and hated him for something that this village caused in the first person.

What kind of training are you talking about? He really hates that he needs to help this man for help. But he needs to learn how to use his katana better which he can't learn that on his own.

He knows that Tsume doesn't know how to use a katana and part of his was glad for that. He doesn't want see her mad at him and with a sword in her hand that was something that spelled pain for him. If I don't learn how to use it better then I can't use it as well as I need to. But he just hopes that she can get over her lover death by helping Naruto train. Maybe Naruto still has the power to change people and can save her from doing something to herself.

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  • Naruto The Fallen One Chapter 1, a naruto fanfic | FanFiction.
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  • Naruto The Fallen One Chapter 2: Day out with your love, a naruto fanfic | FanFiction.
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I hope that I can help you later on as well if you need anything just ask. He wishes that things didn't happen as they did because then he could have trusted the old man. Even though he knows that old man had little part in what his clan did somewhere inside of him doesn't hate him. Naruto starts to walk out of the Hokage office which he runs into Iruka.

Iruka was someone that he could trust because he didn't know what was going on but he was still nice to him. Even after the kyuubi had killed his family Iruka never once did show him hate but sometimes yelled at him.

But that was only because he played pranks on him and did things he shouldn't have done. He was like a big brother to Naruto which he was glad of because Iruka was one of the first people to truly be nice and kind to him. He is also glad that after what everyone found out yesterday that he was still nice to him. Part of him has love for this hell of a village and that is because of the few people in this village that he cares about. Maybe he can get Naruto to tell him what it is. He never did like seeing things bother Naruto because he has to many burdens as it is.

Once he found out what happened yesterday he couldn't believe this village had done that and made Naruto life to be hell for something they did.