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Date Zone Facts:
  1. The Universal Hot/Crazy Matrix: A Man’s Guide to Women
  2. The Universal Hot/Crazy Matrix: A Man's Guide To Women | Kentucky Sports Radio
  3. Kentucky Sports Radio

How do you know if you're getting a manageable 4 or even a 5 instead of one of those barking mad 7 or 8 models? This is just one of the many examples of how society discriminates against men. Men have strict standards. Women who fall between on the hot measurement of the scale fall in the 'No Go Zone'. According to the serial killer presenting the video, "You do not hang around, date and marry women who are not at least, in our mind, a 5.

It's an equality worth fighting for. Holiday in the fun zone. On McLendon's incredibly scientific graph, women who fall somewhere between a 5 and an 8 on the hot scale are available for fun times provided they don't also broach the separating line over into the crazy red zone.

The Universal Hot/Crazy Matrix: A Man’s Guide to Women

Now, you'll notice that eights can get away with being slightly crazier than fives. This is just, like, the basic rules of feminism.

What The Crazy Hot Matrix Forgets: The Descriptive Addendum

The problem is, you don't want to settle down with those mid rangers because what you actually want is to move towards something a little more permanent - preferably with a 9 or a These are the kinds of women you'll introduce your friends and family to, sometimes even as your girlfriend and not just a homeless woman who lives outside your house. But here's the thing - if their craziness hovers somewhere between a 5 and a 7 - which is practically sane in woman terms - you might even want to make that crazy lady your wife.

Date Zone Facts:

So take your time and enjoy the fun zone, but don't spend all your quarters at the arcade. Highway to the Danger Zone. That being said, Gronk is certified datable - a truly textbook example of a Date Zone male.

The Universal Hot/Crazy Matrix: A Man's Guide To Women | Kentucky Sports Radio

Where to go from here depends on several factors. Whether you're in a relationship with someone currently and where on the matrix they reside.

Find out which zone a friend, loved one, or significant other lives in on the Universal Hot Crazy Matrix. Enter the No Go Zone at your own risk, but read this guide before venturing onward. Learn the science behind the Universal Hot Crazy Matrix, man's greatest tool for understanding women.

Kentucky Sports Radio

Date Zone Summary There is nothing wrong with forming a relationship with someone in the date zone. More Information about the Date Zone Key Traits Pretty cute; sometimes very attractive Mostly cool, but often quarky or strange Hit or miss when meeting friends and family. Megan Fox Megan Fox is undeniably attractive. Frequently Asked Questions Q: I've been enjoying the date zone, but I think I want to get more serious. In fact, many Date Zoners tend to mature with age, sometimes to the point of becoming marriable. That being said, it's also possible for Date Zoners to never mature or to slip above the Hot-Crazy line, into the Danger Zone.

How to proceed when dating someone from this group depends on several factors: Megan Fox is undeniably attractive. And it is actually unknown exactly what her crazy-score is. However, she has a track record of dating much older men, which doesn't guarantee craziness but certainly raises some flags. And even though we don't know how crazy she really is, it's pretty likely that it's more crazy than she is hot, given how attractive she is. Gronkowski is handsome, lovable, kitten friendly, and a known party animal.

  • Male Dating Guide: The ‘Hot vs. Crazy’ Matrix Of Women [VIDEO];
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While his charm and good looks are undeniable, his wild lifestyle and man-child behavior make him a tough choice for any woman seriously considering a long term, faithful relationship, or even marriage and children. That being said, Gronk is certified datable - a truly textbook example of a Date Zone male.

Where to go from here depends on several factors.