Relative dating assignment answers

  3. Relative Dating

They are able to do this because radioactive isotopes emit or let off nuclear particles at a regular rate during radioactive decay. This original radioactive isotope is called the parent. Over time as the parent isotope lets off particles it changes to another element called the daughter.


Each isotope does this at a regular but different rate. By looking at the amount of parent isotope and daughter element in an object or rock the age can be calculated. During radioactive decay, radioactive isotopes break down into stable isotopes of other elements. These radioactive isotopes have half-lifes: It does not allow scientists to determine exactly how many years ago an event occurs, but it can be somewhat helpful when studying geologic time.

Relative-age dating gives an approximate age of rocks, fossils, and events using uniformitarianism, original horizontality, superposition, cross-cutting relationships, and the principle of inclusion.

Rock layers and the fossils that reside within them tell stories about their age and experiences. Part II Answer the Questions: Refer to the passage and pgs. Compare and contrast absolute-age dating and relative-age dating below. How does radiometric dating determine the exact age of rocks and fossils?


Examine the rock layers in the picture on the left. In this activity you will make a scientific model of radioactive decay.

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Place 12 white beans in a bowl. Who's to say that the rocks a particular scientist is studying have not been displaced from their original positions?


In addition to the "relative" uncertainty that the geological features of an area have retained their historical integrity, there is another problem associated with relative dating. By looking at layers of rocks, scientists can tell which layers are older or newer than others; however, they can not tell exactly how old these layers are. Technology has progressed phenomenally since Steno's time. Scientists have developed technology that can accurately date rocks using radioactive materials which are fixed into the rocks as they form from sediments.

This dating technique is known as radiometric dating. You have probably heard of mummies that have been dated with the Carbon method. The Carbon method measures the amount of radioactive carbon in a previously living artifact. From this information, scientists can accurately infer the age of the test material. Continue to the Radiometric Dating portion of this assignment through use of a virtual web site.

Answer the questions about each aspect of radiometric dating as you move through the various exercises of the Radiometric Dating Lab. If you have an incorrect answer be sure to figure out why that answer was wrong and what is the correct answer.

Relative Dating

This is a relatively long activity so stay focused on your work. Let your TA or Professor see your Certificate of Completion once you reach that screen at the end of the activity. Click here for the Radiometric Dating Lab. This portion of the assignment is an interactive web site that allows you to apply what you have learned and to learn more about how scientists tell time with geology. The web site is simple, especially at the begnining, yet allows you to visualize relationships among the main concepts you have been studying.

The site ends with a short quiz - you should get a perfect score if you understand Web Assisgnment 4. When you enter the site, in the top left corner you will see the words "Student Start.