Relationship dating and courtship

An overview of dating and courtship
  1. Courting Instead of Dating: 7 Reasons Why You Need To Try It
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  3. Here are the Essential Do’s and Don’ts for Courtship and Dating:
  4. The Difference Between Courtship & Dating | Dating Tips

These challenges arising from premarital and extra marital sexual activity create stumbling blocks in the lives of the people involved in it.

Courting Instead of Dating: 7 Reasons Why You Need To Try It

The loss self-esteem takes away the enthusiasm for life. It affects our thought processes even when we do not see it or accept that it does. By the time the effect starts manifesting, we are already in deep waters and some have ended up as psycho cases which are usually blamed on neighbourhood witches and wizards and envious relatives. Even the daydream is over most times before it ever started. The practitioners are left with more confusion than satisfaction.

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This is why you have people with insatiable sexual behaviour. The truth is that there would never be sexual satisfaction for anybody. It involves a lot of work to get sex. This is even so among animals. Where the sexual organs are placed in the human and animal bodies suggests some sacredness and secrecy. It takes a lot of physical and emotional demands to get there for both men and women respectively.

For the men, sexual intercourse is much of a physical thing. For the women, it is much of an emotional thing. Women have a connection to sexual intercourse that is intrinsic. Women do sex with their soul — their being — you can say with their mind, body and heart. Conversely, men do sex with their body only. Sexual intercourse is simply organic to men while it is soulful for women.

This is why — without being commercial sex workers — a man could have sexual intercourse with two or more women at once and feel normal. The same act of having sexual intercourse with more than one person at once produces seriously traumatizing experience for women.

Even when they have sexual intercourse with one person who they even claim to love or desire outside marriage, the women are not at peace. Those who hear confessions would tell you that women are the ones that usually come forward to confess sexual sins. The men are usually dragged out to confess because the women with whom they are involved have come forward and confessed to the authorities and have mentioned the men.

In sexual intercourse, women seek connection to a better half while men sick expression of their manliness. Sexual intercourse never means the same thing for men and women. For men it is more of sport where they try to show prowess. For women, it is a different kettle of fish.

Women invest their body, mind and heart or in other words, their soul into a sexual act. Research has show that even women commercial sex workers are traumatized by their own sex life more than the stigma of being a commercial sex worker does. They feel an indescribable imbalance in their being that torments. For other women of lose moral who are not residing in brothels, they are so distraught, they, without wisdom of what is happening, imagine that getting more sexual partners, acquiring more stuff — material gains such cash in the bank, cars, property, clothing and other apparels — could quench their propensity.

The truth is that those involved are in a state of emotional imbalance. Regardless of the bravado of men and the physical nature of their sex life, premarital and extramarital sexual intercourse create serious emotional imbalance in them as is the case in women. They feel oppressed when there is no visible oppressor. These feelings have usually led to crisis that finally exposes the fact that the man have been cheating. Now, the problem here is that regardless of the permissiveness of our times, the media hype about sexual licence and even the claims by some esoteric schools that sexual intercourse between two consenting adults is alright, experience has shown that the human person is in a sticky situation with every premarital and extramarital sexual intercourse.

Many people put up all sorts of logics and excuses for getting involved in illicit sexual intercourse. Some even work hard to drown their act with alcohol. But we all know that it does not really work. The bravado and boastings about our sexual escapades have never been able to remove the sense of guilt and torment that sire our soul when we are involved in inappropriate sexual relationship.

Here are the Essential Do’s and Don’ts for Courtship and Dating:

These feelings of guilt and torment of the soul produces emotional imbalance in the human person. Some of the times, when we are in a situation of emotional imbalance, we usually are not able to put our hands on the matter with us. In a state of emotional imbalance, we make mistakes, we are unhappy and we lose our peace and sometimes sleep. Because of the intrinsic nature of our emotions it is not easy for us to immediately place its influence in our responses and reactions to situations that affect our lives.

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Generally, our behaviours change. People around us wonder what is wrong. When we are asked what is wrong, we usually retort that nothing is wrong. This is, however, because we do not really know what is affecting or influencing our conduct and worries. This is how it is possible for a woman to decipher that her husband is having an affair when she has no evidence to prove anything. If the situation continues without repentance and totally abandoning the course, it leads to nervous breakdown and usually to a breakdown of the marriage.

We have had princes and princesses and sons and daughters of the wealthy who could not marry. We have had people of wealth and means who could not even chat a woman up or have a man pay attention to them. We have had many of these people with a lot of money who lived and died single. We have many of such who could not make successful marriages.

We have many high and mighty, wealthy and educated that could not raise a family or posterity they could be proud of on earth and, of course, in the presence of God.

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For these, money never was their problem because they had money in abundance. In the same vein, we have had many people without money or who are poor who could not marry or are also unable to chat a woman up or be desired by any man. There are several poor people who could not raise a proper family they could be proud of just as there has been the rich and wealthy who could not also do the same. What all these point to is that, logically speaking, money is not a catcher for marriage.

What I have learned from my own experience is that the decision to get married is not an issue of the availability of money but that of desire.

The Difference Between Courtship & Dating | Dating Tips

Desire is the first principle of successful living and wealth creation. It is desire that pushes for the achievement of anything in life. If you want something so badly, then you always ultimately get it. But if you do not want something, even if it is dropped at your feet, you have no motivation to do anything about it.

Think about it this way. The first time you did something important for your welfare and development, did you do it because you had money or did you do it because it is what you wanted? Every time I have done this test with people, it is always that they obtained something because it is what they wanted rather than what money they have leading them to go for what they got. I know people who are married whose monthly income is less than half of many who would not marry because they did not have enough money to feed themselves not to talk of adding another mouth in the place of a wife and possibly children.

Even with all the money in the world, there is no guarantee that your marriage would be happy. The things that guarantee peace and happiness in marriage are ninety per cent attitude, nine and half per cent decision. Other variables share the remaining half per cent with money in contributing to peace and happiness in marriage. In the foundation for joyful relationships, friendship, mutual respect and faith in God are tops to what people should learn and acquire during dating and courtship if they want to be happy in their marriage.

If you need help with your dating and marriage relationship, contact me at francisnmeribe yahoo. Hugs and kisses are intimate acts of love and affection. They are used to express love and deep affections between people. In some cultures light kisses involving pecks on the cheek and light lips to lips touches are part of the normal way of greeting people especially close associates and family members.

Introduction: Where we're headed!

Hugs and kisses are part of the deep expressions of intimacy appropriate only in a marriage relationship. While a hug may easily pass as an innocent act between two people of the opposite sex, a kiss cannot pass the same test. In a dating relationship, hugs and kisses are not only inappropriate, they are fraught with the danger of leading you on to more acts of intimacy including fornication, also called premarital sex and rape. Some of the common questions young people ask about hugs and kisses include:.

It would interest you to know that hugs and kisses no matter how intimate they are or become as the relationship advances, are not proof of anything in connection to love.

A kiss is just a kiss.