Push pull technique dating examples

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Which is also called the push I'll also give you some examples and explain some expert opinions on the effectiveness of it many people think the push-pull technique is just a style of flirting where you can just memorize lines but to effectively attract a girl through interest and then this interest you must cater to the style of the girl that you were using it on which means you must do some research or already have a good foundation of attraction.

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Push-pull is a very difficult skill but a very simple process which can make you lose the girl entirely, so we need think about using any one of these be sure. That it won't come off as if you're an idiot think of this style of flirting as hanging a toy in front of a cat if you hold the toy in front of the cat they won't go after it in fact if you lay it on the ground they won't even look at it twice but if you dangle it and pull it back right when they swat at it creating movement they'll go crazy and want the toy even more leave a like for my new kitten.

So let's move on to ways to show interest or how to pull in a girl so you can do it physically you can obviously compliment her in a physical manner say something about her hair her smile the dress that she is wearing something about how she looks the catch to this is that it's very surface level but it's also very easy anyone can compliment someone based on their physical appearance the next thing you can pull in a girl is by talking about the characteristics that you have noticed.

Maybe you already did your research and know that she likes to dance then ask her for a dance perhaps she's really good at mixing drinks or is amazing at decorating cakes so you got to know something about the characteristics of her to compliment her on those this is a deeper level than just physical but you should probably have met her once or twice a cool psychological trick is to mention something that you both like to do because we automatically like people who like the things. That we like something I explained in full my previous article.

Maybe she likes to ride horses say you grew up on a farm and you loved riding them too the third way to pull someone in is to mention that maybe you have seen her before or maybe have heard of her from a friend are you that girl that won first place in the marathon.

Examples of the push pull technique??? HELP???

Are you related to John Doe and maybe even my friend said you could paint better than anyone he's ever seen is this true basically you can pull someone in by relating to their world find a connection between you two and execute on it to go in for the approach and pull now there are some nonverbal ways to pull someone in. Obviously open body language there are nonverbal cues to pull a girl in keep your body language open which means you don't cross your arms make sure your feet stay pointed towards her and stay close in proximity basically give her the opportunity to approach you.

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Number two is eye contact eye contact is probably the most important nonverbal cue simply because one seven second glance is sometimes the most attractive thing you can literally do. There's a whole bunch of studies that prove this just look at her and smile if she looks back hold the eye contact for just a little bit longer than when you start to feel awkward and boom attraction will happen. I explain why and I get more details in my course but just to keep it short just remember eye contact is super important and one more nonverbal pull is a lesser known cue is to simply look at the girl you're trying to flirt with.

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Make the come here motion with your hands this is literally pulling her in an alternative is to look at her and make a phone out of your hand like you're saying call me. So let's move on to disinterest you can show disinterest by pointing out something physical about the person you're talking to this is hard because you can offend someone super easily you know something like this I think you're cute but it's too bad that you're not my type high heels. I mean really I would avoid using these lines.

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  • But I'll give some examples in a little bit another way to push her away is to add a time restraint this is basically just limiting the time you are in conversation with her by saying that you have somewhere else to be say you're in a good conversation but you have to interrupt it. I told my friends I'd meet them five minutes ago. I have to leave or something like as fun as it is talking to you I really need to go switch my laundry by pulling away from her you were essentially pushing her away by committing to an alternative activity the third way to push someone away is called restricted request is basically asking her to do something by adding a clause or a string to the gesture.

    I'll give you my phone number but you have to promise not to text me right away or call me a whole bunch another example is do you want to go to a concert tomorrow you have to promise not to embarrass me though. I've heard that you can be pretty wild the idea is to ask for something but at a relevant joke or restriction to the asking that pushes her away.

    Examples of the push pull technique??? HELP???

    This means to show her a little bit of interest — but then playfully push her away. But in the second half you throw her through a bit of a loop.

    Spark Attraction With This Effortless And Powerful Technique- Push Pull

    Becoming a natural flirt is less about mastering the right words and actions and has more to do with getting the right mindset. The right mindset then, is simple. Assume she wants you and is trying to get with you. See yourself as the perfect 10 out there, and that the best thing that can happen to her is to get your number, go on a date with you, or go home with you.

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    From there, as always, you want to have fun and enjoy the idea that women are naturally attracted to you. Using a nickname not only makes things light and playful, it also gets things a bit more personal. The best nicknames for a girl are going to be the ones that are personalized to her. Use whatever nickname strikes you at the moment. And no matter what flirting technique you use on a girl touching, flirty banter, etc the way to flirt with confidence is to have the right body language. Instead keep your body movements calm and controlled.

    Strong body language will help you look and feel more confident, which is going to make your flirting much more effective. Brian M - author of posts on The Art of Charm. Once he realized attraction was something he could learn, Brian spent way too much of his free time studying and practicing everything he could find on the subject.