Riso osl dating

Research groups
  1. Nordic Laboratory for Luminescence Dating (NLL)
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DTU Nutech undertakes fundamental and applied research in luminescence physics and dosimetry.

Nordic Laboratory for Luminescence Dating (NLL)

DTU Nutech has unique experimental facilities for luminescence research at its Luminescence Research Laboratory, which attracts a large number of guest researchers that are involved in collaborative projects with DTU. As part of its programme for continuing education, DTU Nutech offers a training course in luminescence dating.

  • Luminescence Dating Overview and Facilities.
  • Departments and Centres.
  • School of Geography and the Environment, University of Oxford.

Mechanical Workshop and Construction. Luminescence dating has been applied depending on conditions from sediments ranging from 10 - 10 6 , although more commonly the upper limit is ka.

It has been applied to aeolian, fluvial, lacustrine, glaciogenic, coastal and marine applications, in addition to a wide range of research in archaeology and art antiquity. We use a range of sampling techniques in the field. Where possible, sediment exposures with visible stratigraphy are used or created. In addition or where exposures are not present, sampling can be carried out using an auger to drill through deep sedimentary sections.

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A hydraulic drive with a range of different heads can be used in conjunction with hand auguring to punch through calcrete or silcrete layers within the landform of interest. Using this technique, sampling intervals of 0. Dating of buried grains in sedimentary layers would give a crucial contribution to the understanding of surface forming processes and is essential for any further exploration of planet Mars. It is therefore essential to develop a method, which can determine the chronology of sedimentary deposits.

Such a technique must be incorporated into an instrument requiring low resources mass, power, volume and placed onto the surface of Mars.

  • Illinois State Geological Survey Optically Stimulated Luminescence (OSL) Dating Lab | ISGS.
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Since various sites on the Martian surface need to be visited, the instrument must be incorporated into a mobile surface rover having a soil penetration capability or a sample retrieval system. The OSL method has been demonstrated its suitability in portable instruments during the fieldwork in sedimentary deposits on Earth. The Martian environment however differs considerably concerning environmental conditions and mineralogical composition of sedimentary deposits from Earth.

A careful assessment of these aspects and the best suitable OSL technique itself is required prior a breadboard design.

Departments and Centres