Waiting till marriage dating site

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A maturity in understanding your point of view. My cousin was a virgin until she married in her early 20s. You will want to find someone with similar values and will respect decisions you have made for yourself. It will limit your choices, but they aren't the ones you will be looking for based on your values.

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You will find someone for you. I would be more concerned about why virginity is important to you. For example, I think some people pursue this path because they have actual mental or psychological hangups with respect to sex, and then they rationalize wanting to abstain because of those hangups.

And to be honest that's the vibe I got from reading your post. Regardless of when you decide to have sex, you'll want to make sure that you're ready for it and not suddenly surprise your partner with lots of baggage. So I'd really hone in on the "why", critically examine it, and make sure you're getting the help you need if there is anything else going on. Sorry to barge in. I know this an AskMen post and since I'm on mobile I can't see the sub rules; please delete if ladies are not allowed to respond.

I was just like you; I wanted to save my virginity for personal reasons less so than religious. Mainly because I'm very sensitive and I wanted to make sure the time was right. I was going to wait, but then I met someone that I was truly compatible with and I trusted so much that I went along with it, and I'm very happy and it's improved a lot of things about our relationship and even myself.

Most likely I'll marry this guy, so he will be the only person I've been with. I was pretty upset at first because I let down a promise I made with myself, but he started the relationship with me knowing I wanted to wait. He never pressured; I consented fully. So it's up to you! It's a risk, but I think as long as you're up front with who you date they at least know your intentions, and keep your mind open in case you change it ;. I dated a girl for about a year who wanted to wait until marriage we broke up for totally unrelated reasons.

There are men who wait, so seek them out, and maintain zero tolerance for anyone who doesn't respect your decision to hold to your values. This is true regardless of what those values are.

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It's going to come up before "a couple weeks" probably, and it's only wrong if you keep blowing off his advances without explaining why. That said, I'd never marry someone I hadn't had sex with. What if you impose some other arbitrary deadline, like 3 or 6 months into exclusive dating? It accomplishes generally the same thing, and you wont be legally bound to someone who cant fuck. Arbitrary deadlines are bs. It's a pussy pedestal situation where women get the idea you give pussy in exchange for things they want.

I wouldnt date anyone who wanted to wait 3 months either. I'm just saying its a less insane, all in strategy than waiting for marriage. So first of all, oral sex is sex. Anal sex is sex. Manual sex is sex. Mutual masturbation is sex. If you put off piv but do everything else, calling yourself a virgin is a bit silly.

I also th ink you underestimate how important sexual compatibility is. I mean shoot, if it's not important, then why is exclusivity important?

Dating Site Review: media-aid.com | media-aid.com

Why would it matter if you waited? If it is important, then why would you be willing to marry someone if you don't know you are compatible? That said, I think you could be fine saving one aspect of sex until marriage. You don't need piv to determine sexuality compatibility, and in fact you would likely have a better sex life than many who think that piv is the end all be all.

I just think you can't kid yourself if you went down that road. As for honesty, I don't think you need to roll out every possible that may scare a boy away immediately. Waiting a few dates will make it so that a rejection comes from a more knowing place rather than an automatic reaction. Finally, part of it sounds like you are just nervous and uncertain, and that's cool too. Communicating that uncertainty makes you a better partner, and taking things slow is a good thing.

If it is the way you want to go about it then you should talk about it relatively soon. You don't have to bring it up the first date but you should at least bring it up on the second or third date. You are wasting both of your time otherwise. I would agree with that, however I think the amount of guys who want to wait until marriage who aren't religious are rare almost to the point of of nonexistance.

It's just the way the dating pool works in most western countries. If you want to wait until marriage you are excluding the majority of that dating pool. Just like you're falling into the minority by wanting to wait, there are tons of men in that same minority. They exist, of course, but they'll be hard to find.

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Especially if you're afraid of talking to anyone. Imagine how worried a 19 year old guy would be in your situation.

Wait until marriage to have sex - Mark Gungor

Now you have some common ground, am understanding, and you can try to grow a relationship. But you gotta stop writing yourself off. Give it a chance.

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  • WTM.org is a community for people who have decided to wait until marriage to have sex..

Don't stress out about it! It sounds like you have a lot of exploring to do, which is totally great and normal. I used to feel the same way as you, but then eventually that became less of a priority for me. It sounds like you haven't really had a sexual relationship yet. Maybe someday you will change your mind and be totally OK with that, or maybe not. It's good to wet boundaries and stick to them. After a while, you get to reevaluate your boundaries and decide if you want to push a little further. Sex as an unknown can be scary.

In the meantime, don't worry, be happy. Take things slowly and see what happens. There's plenty of guys out there who are into that. But beware guys who talk that talk but don't walk the walk. Some guys think 'yeah, but she doesn't really mean that.

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But you probably do. Don't go looking for guys in bars and you should be fine. Stick to places people with similar mind sets frequent that is for dating, I'm not suggesting you hide yourself from us seculars entirely. Whatever your religious leaning,look for a meetup group etc in your area that is conducive to that and you'll be golden. And even though I'm coming from a diametrically opposed world view I feel obligated to say even if you already know this if a guy starts being really pushy about it drop him right away.

He needs to be up front with you about how he feels, not tell you he's cool with your choice and then prove he's not with his behavior until you cave. I would, I feel a relationship doesn't have to be built on sex and I think it's important for both people to wait until they're absolutely ready, whenever that may be. Having been married 2 years now, and due to reasons not fully known - we still haven't but we 'SWEAR' we're working on it. What you're wanting to do is fine.


IT's a decision that a lot of people will not like, and as such you will find a lot of rejection. You're at least somewhat open though - so if you bring it up early and explain that the whole deal wont happen, but a lot of other stuff will, then you'll open it a little. But you really don't know. How much would it break your heart to find the one, the one you truly love, to come to the day where the deed happens, and you find out you hate it.