Pagan dating christian

Pagan Dating
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Is that like esoteric Buddhism? Is tantric sex involved? Find a Pagan girl.

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Posting Quick Reply - Please Wait. Similar Threads Dealbreaker - cleanlieness? I am a Pagan man - dealbreaker? So, what I'm saying is that there ARE people out there who will accept your paganism. Yes, they might be hard to find, but they are there. Best of luck and blessed be. When I met my husband, 21 years ago, he was pretty much fresh out of Catholic seminary, and was an ordained Catholic deacon. We walked around my neighborhood for hours, hashing it out; me angrily, him patiently listening to me.

When we got together as a couple, there was no uncomfortable "talk" because we'd already had it when we were friends. He participates in Circle and ritual, if he wanted to go to church, I'd go with him.

I think what I'm trying to say, is always be upfront about it from the start of anything, even if it's just a friendship. You can't start anything with the "big secret" forming a speed bump for you. Friday, December 30, Dating as a Pagan: Ok, it's no secret by now that I'm single. While I usually don't complain about it, I know I don't want to spend the rest of my life alone.

Here lately I've been dating a little bit as in going on dates with people and I'm starting to get rather frustrated with it again.

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I hate labeling people, and I'm all about the Coexist movement, but I have to admit I'm sick of trying to date Christian males! The last person I went on a date with started talking about the bible to me and asked what religion I am. I, of course, believe in complete honesty so I told him I am Pagan. That brought on a pretty fun talk.

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I had to go through the standard "No I don't kill animals or babies, no I don't worship the devil, I actually don't believe in the devil," and had to go into an entire discussion about what Paganism is and isn't to me, etc. Basically we had the whole my religion is better than your religion crap. Then all of a sudden he decided to tell me that he thought I was sexy, and that it might be "unChristian" to say so but blah blah blah insert stupid plea for sex here.

I looked at him and said, "Well the Goddess blessed me in lots of ways," and was going to leave it at that until he decided to start saying what he wanted to "do" to me. In all honesty I'm almost ready to throw my arms up in the air and give up.

can a pagan and a christian date? | Yahoo Answers

White flag, I surrender! I'll stay single if that means I don't have to deal with that kind of stupidity. I know it would probably be better if I found a nice Pagan guy to date or at least someone with similar ideals as me , but I have no clue where to look, or even if to look lol. The problem I face is the town I live in has a population of around If I'm not already with someone from my town it's very doubtful that I will get with one of them now!

Most are senior citizens, and others are people I went to school with and while we are friends, we are not compatible in relationships. If the Pagan you know is your child, it may bother you that he or she does not participate in your religion. This can be especially difficult for conservative Christians.

I honor and respect your concern. I've been studying modern Paganism since , and have actually practiced the Pagan path since In other words, I spent seven years thinking about and researching Wicca and other forms of Paganism before I took the step of actually living a Pagan life.

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Let me share with you some of the things that I learned in the years I spent researching Paganism and Witchcraft. Paganism or "Neopaganism," which means the new Paganism is the overall name for the modern nature religions. Just as Christianity has many different forms Catholic, Episcopal, Lutheran, Methodist, and so forth , so does Paganism. Although there are differences between the many forms of Paganism, they also have much in common. Witchcraft and other forms of Paganism have nothing to do with devil worship or Satanism. On the contrary, Paganism teaches the importance of living an upstanding and ethical life, just like any other religion.

Wiccans do the same thing, only they see God as a Mother and a Father. In other words, as a Mother Goddess and a Father God. In fact, one of the biggest differences between Paganism and Christianity is that some Pagans prefer a feminine image of the Goddess over, or in addition to, the traditional masculine image of God.