Step brothers sisters dating

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  5. Is it incestious date your step sibling?

That sounds like a whole can of worms that you don't want to open. She sounds like she has a few of her own problems to sort out, you even state several times that it makes you feel uncomfortable, just imagine that times for your whole family.

A moment of passion with my step-brother split our family for ever

I know it's awkward, but you need to talk to her asap and get this settled straight, before you lead her on. Something about this seems sketchy, not on your end, on hers. Maybe she is doing this just to cause trouble for her mom's new husband. Something just does not seem right here beyond the step sibling aspect. It's a strange situation, yes.

To be fair, you two didn't grow up together and you're not blood-related so given the context, it isn't as bad as it sounds. You have to talk to her about how she feels about it. You two can go on one date and just feel it out, a bit. Does it still feel right? Does it feel strange? You two can see each other but withhold any sexual contact 'til you both feel right about the relationship. Keep in mind that she is still 17 and you are So withholding sexual contact is your safe bet. I think you should only pursue the relationship if you think it can be a serious one.

Casually dating your step-sister isn't a good idea. Use of this site constitutes acceptance of our User Agreement and Privacy Policy. Log in or sign up in seconds. Submit a new text post. Get an ad-free experience with special benefits, and directly support Reddit. This is a positive community.

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They called us weird but I’m glad I married my step-brother

You can state your opinion in a constructive manner. If asking a question on a specific situation, please include the age and gender of both parties. No pickup or PUA lingo please. This is a personal preference.

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Useful articles and videos are allowed. Please get over any kinds of feelings like that. If cousins can't date, why would step siblings be able to date? Morally i feel like as long as it's mutual and you make the each other happy then go for it, but i caution you that many people will not be as open to the thought. Yes but it is kinda weird becaue you live with them and you are legally brother and sister.

NOt incest but it seems kind of like it. Yeah technically since you're not related. It just might be weird to your parents. Just follow your feelings man.


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Is it incestious date your step sibling?

Originally Posted by Iphie. As for the question at hand, when did they become step siblings?

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I mean if they grew up together it's kinda icky, but if their parents got married when they, the children, were in their late teens early twenties then it's a bit different in my opinion. Last edited by Karamaru; at But the dude that does the family genealogy trees is gonna hate you forever.