Dating a girl from another country

  1. How to Date Someone Who Lives in Another Country
  2. The Reality of Dating Someone From a Different Country | Her Campus
  3. Please Update Your Browser
  4. Planning for Travel

Always try to say what you mean, and mean what you say.

How to Date Someone Who Lives in Another Country

Take advantage of the technology available for making communication in long-distance relationships easier. Using programs such as Skype or Facetime will allow you to communicate face to face with your partner, regardless of where each of you are in the world.

Knowing the latest trends in technology and being capable of making use of them will help considerably in making you and your partner feel closer. Be creative in how you spend your time together.

The Reality of Dating Someone From a Different Country | Her Campus

Even though you are separated by borders and possibly even oceans, this doesn't mean that you cannot still participate in "traditional" couple activities. You can still do activities together, such as grocery shopping while talking on the phone or watching the same movie while communicating via Skype or chat.

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Be creative in doing the things you would normally do for your partner if you were together, such as gift giving: Manage being in different time zones by creating a consistent schedule for communication. If you set aside a specific time of day to talk or chat, this will help you feel connected with your partner. Furthermore, if you agree to specific times for communicating and set these times aside, free from interruption, it will help ensure that you always have time for each other.

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Investigate the specific immigration, visa and tourist laws and regulations of each of your countries. Depending on the country issuing each of your passports, the rules and regulations about entering the country and how long you can remain for any given visit will vary. Some countries will require that you apply in advance for a tourist visa, while other countries share treaties that allow easy travel back and forth.

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In the best case scenario, one of you is going to be stealing the other away from their family and their home country. Why must you go across the world and take our hypothetical grandchildren with you?? Even if your language is the same, your cultural references are not at all. These are the true communicative barriers in the relationship. And part of loving someone from another country is embracing the idea that your relationship will occasionally transform into a long-distance relationship. In fact, there is often something revitalizing and empowering about spending a little time apart to go back to your respective homelands.

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The relationship doubles your opportunities for care packages full of delicious treats from family members. Having parents who can freely communicate with one another, and even see each other without buying thousand-dollar plane tickets, is a huge gift. Having to translate between sets of parents is one of the most stressful things you can possibly do. To their friends, there will always be a little novelty about you.

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  2. More From Thought Catalog.
  3. 17 Important Truths You Learn By Dating Someone From Another Country | Thought Catalog;
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  5. Whether it is on exchange or just a couple of weeks of travel, you change as a person. Traveling usually involves leaving behind everything and everyone you know and going out to explore this new place.

    Planning for Travel

    This means you become less stressed and become more adventurous. If you start dating someone who is in a completely different time zone than you, it becomes very difficult to try and communicate with him or her. The reality will set in that traveling is a very expensive thing to do and you won't be able to just pick up and see them once a month.