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If that was the case, NoLongerLonely. Unfortunately, our extensive experience with suicide cults and supervillain cabals indicates that it doesn't work that way.

Dating someone with a mental illness?

Generally, when you put crazy in the room with more crazy, you get a sort of multiplication of the crazy that winds up creating a whole clown shit-and-bananas flavored milkshake, greater than the sum of its just regular parts. So with that in mind, it's hard to imagine how this site is a good idea for anyone.

If you had a mental illness, would someone else with the same problem really be the best dating option? But forgetting that for a moment, what happens when people without mental illness start popping up on NoLongerLonely.

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What happens when some lonely soul has no luck on regular dating sites and decides that maybe the vulnerable-minded ladies of NoLongerLonely might make for easier pickings? No need to answer that. We know what happens. Finally, someone levels the playing field. Now maybe it won't just be short dudes scoring with the ladies for a change.

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On the surface, Tallmingle. But if you read the comments section of Cracked's daily articles, and you should because they're often every bit as hilarious as the articles themselves , then you're already familiar with Tallmingle. For those of you unaware, Tallmingle. So what does that have to do with you and your love life? Well before you go to Tallmingle looking for the Ralph Sampson to match your Hakeem Olajuwon, consider this. When you visit a dating site, you would like to think that it's run by people with expertise in the area of attraction, right? Well here is what the folks at Tallmingle.

Neil Clark Warren, eHarmony founder, infrequent Cracked comment spammer. The only real difference is nobody is lying about it. You probably think we're going to say going to STDMatch.

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Negatory good buddy, if that was the issue we'd tell you going to the bar is a bad idea. In fact, if you already have a "gift" of your own, STDMatch is probably right for you.

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  7. Otherwise, do not, we repeat, do not out of some sense of curiosity go poking around STDMatch. Because if any dating site anywhere on the internet has a higher concentration of smoking hot chicks than STDMatch. Hell, even the dudes are pretty fly. And then the realization will hit you. Anyone who has been to a regular dating site and pored through the pages and pages of average Janes and Joes and then suddenly stumbled across some drop dead gorgeous type always has the same thought right away You'll never be able to go to another dating site again without saying, "Wow, they're hot, too bad they have genital warts.

    And seriously, the ugly folks are few and far between at STDMatch.

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    It's a damn goldmine. It puts that herpes commercial with the "Living the life I want! Not an actual STDMatch. If you think we're lying, you're welcome to check it out for yourself, but we wouldn't recommend it. If you don't want to shatter the fantasy that the perfect 10 you met on Chemistry.

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    Adam hosts a podcast called Unpopular Opinion that you should check out right here. You should also be his friend on Twitter , Facebook and Tumblr. How can such successful financial moguls make such terrible financial decisions? Some people know you can only break the rules by following them to the letter. Don't make me do this again. Don't have an account?

    Please enter a Username. I agree to the Terms of Service. Add me to the weekly newsletter. Add me to the daily newsletter. Link Existing Cracked Account. Use My Facebook Avatar. Add me to the weekly Newsletter. Don't bother visiting, she'll be out soon! The goal is simple: With the awkward pressure in this day and age to be constantly swiping right or left on dating apps, No Longer Lonely works to take the stigma out of mental health and keeps everyone on the same plateau.


    According to the site, No Longer Lonely has 54, users from 45 countries and has led to more than 37 marriages. The site saw 4, more members join since The phenomenon of love and sex can be stressful enough, but with mental illness, it can be even more taxing. Realizing that you need someone that understands your condition is paramount. Eradicating the negative stipulations surrounding mental health is a central goal for Leftwich and No Longer Lonely. Charlotte gave up on dating before joining No Longer Lonely.

    She was lost in the difficult emotions associated with online dating. Then, she met her now boyfriend after joining the site. Her positive experience is among many budding romances, courtesy of No Longer Lonely. Michael is a year-old man living in Massachusetts. Post-divorce, he decided to give No Longer Lonely a shot after reaching a point of stability with his mental health. The site also offers a platform for people to seek friendship and support.

    Michael claims that he finds it easier to date someone who does not have a mental illness. But he is able to use No Longer Lonely to find people who understand him, to connect in non-romantic ways. Michael outlines the importance of media portrayal of mental health and its trickling impact on media consumers — and potential romantic partners.