Matchmaking for gemini

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  4. Gemini Sign, Gemini Horoscopes, Mithun rasi, Jyotish, Jyotish astrology

For some of your relationships, you may have to work a little harder, but in putting in the effort, you may be creating the strong glue that holds you together—and you both may have fun working on the relationship in the process. If you know your rising sign, by all means, read the report for that sign as well.

Compatibility Guide

If you would like to know your rising sign, Susan can analyze your chart and explain it to you in easy to understand terms. For information, see www. Choose your sign and then one to pair it with. You'll receive a detailed analysis of how all the elements of your horoscope interact and influence this pairing.

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New Articles from Susan. More from Astrology Zone. News You Can Use. Table of Eclipse Dates from to Long phone conversations that cover every topic imaginable are a natural part of the typical Gemini courtship, as the telephone enables them to be intimate yet physically distant.

Emotionally, Geminis can be somewhat inconstant, and you cannot expect them to be feeling the same way about you this afternoon as they were this morning. After all, hours may have passed since your last communication and, in that time, many conversations, thoughts, decisions, and actions have taken place. As a mutable air sign, Geminis can be like a wind which blows hot and cold.

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When frustrated in a relationship, Geminis can become critical, their tongue every bit as sharp as a razor. Sometimes it is deliberate; at others, they fail to realise the power of words. If you are in a relationship with a Gemini and experiencing communication difficulties, it may be worth your while to venture outside with your mobile phone or find a telephone booth and call them.

Geminis prefer plenty of freedom in relationships to explore life and its myriad possibilities. When feeling trapped or unable to leave a situation because of their commitments, Geminis will often escape via the telephone, enjoying conversations with people who are removed from their present situation. The nervous system is a weak area for Geminis, and if they exhaust themselves on a daily basis, you can often see a tremor in their hands. Asthma and bronchial trouble need to be guarded against, because Geminis have a tendency to develop problems with the chest and lungs.

All these areas need extra attention when Geminis are feeling stressed. The sharp wit and quick mind of the Gemini can make this type caustic when negative, and somewhat two-faced.


As they tend to agree with whoever is standing close to them at the time, it is easy to change the mind of a negative Gemini. Negative Geminis can find it difficult to make a commitment to one partner at a time and can end up juggling several part-time lovers. They are usually able to justify their actions, no matter how inconsistent they may be, often believing that rules are for other people. Often restless, critical and impatient, negative Geminis are quick to tell you that they can do your job better and more accurately than you, but in reality they have no intention of doing so, as action requires more effort than words.

Compatibility Games

Their powers of observation are brought to bear upon those close to them, and they know how to inflict the deepest wound with the minimum number of words. In the negative type, paranoia is often evident and because they know the power of information, they are reluctant to give out any information about themselves.

Sometimes the negative Gemini can leave you feeling like you have just been interviewed by an investigative journalist. Negative Geminis can be sceptical and are quick to ridicule any ideas or beliefs you hold with a savage comment or an off-hand verbal slap.

Gemini Sign, Gemini Horoscopes, Mithun rasi, Jyotish, Jyotish astrology

They can become chronic complainers who criticise everyone and everything around them. As forgers or counterfeiters, negative Geminis excel, for lying comes as naturally to them as speaking. In sales positions, they have no conscience. The lesson for Geminis is to learn to decide This sounds easy, but in deciding between several alternatives, it is necessary to choose one and eliminate the others.

Making a decision can be difficult when you only have your mind to guide you. Geminis need to apply their mind, heart and feelings to decide the best path in a given situation. Mental discipline is another part of the lesson for Gemini. When the mind is disciplined, the heart can be heard, which is especially important when making significant life choices.

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