Sc2 unfair matchmaking

  1. Do you consider Starcraft 2 ladder broken? - Ars Technica OpenForum
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  3. Do you consider Starcraft 2 ladder broken?

If the moving average crosses a certain league threshold, you can be promoted to that league. Dropping down to a lower league works the same way, only by losing. You do not need to reach 1 or any particular rank in your division to get promoted. Divisions Leagues comprise a number of divisions that are not ranked equally.

Divisions cap out at players. Divisions are loosely grouped by skill at the time of placement. Note that you cannot move laterally within your league, so in order to move to a new division you must get promoted or demoted out of your league. Want to learn more about division tiers? And even then, only indirectly, because you are playing against opponents beyond your division's player pool. Team Ratings Your team wins or loses as a whole.

Do you consider Starcraft 2 ladder broken? - Ars Technica OpenForum

If your partners left the game early and you stuck around to defeat your opponents, your entire team will be credited with a win. The Bonus Pool also accrues over time. Whenever a game is won, an amount equal to the rating earned is deducted from the Bonus Pool and added to the player's rating. This has the effect of increasing player ratings over time. On the surface, this appears to be a negative thing. However, War3's Ladder system had XP decay beyond a certain level. Rather than forcing players to play games in the fashion War3 used, SC2 encourages players to play by generating a Bonus Pool.

The Bonus Pool accrues at a rate of 1 point per 2 hours, whether the player or team is active or not.

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The Bonus Pool also begins building based on when the ladder season began. Some more information from ZapRoffo: With a matchmaking rating system, the way points are assigned is as follows. The amount won or lost in any given match, though, is determined by comparing your displayed rating to your opponent's matchmaking rating. This is why many people are experiencing huge gains for wins and small losses.

Do you consider Starcraft 2 ladder broken?

It's because they haven't played enough to raise their displayed rating to their matchmaking rating. The opponent compares his displayed rating to your matchmaking rating to calculate his point change, if he's displayed and you are also matchmaking, he will lose or so slightly less than default. One huge misconception people I feel like people need to learn the truth about: The bonus pool WILL NOT cause inflation of ratings in the long run as long as it only modifies your displayed rating and not your matchmaking rating, which appears to be the case.

In the long run, displayed ratings converge to matchmaking rating, so if matchmaking rating is unaffected there is no long term effect. I start with a big bonus pool and win up to , and my matchmaking rating is Alice wins the same amount against similar quality opponents but with no bonus pool and goes to only or so, but also with matchmaking rating, because matchmaking is totally unaffected. I'm looking at or from losses, while she's looking at -8 or so from those same people.

Eventually the result over a long enough period is we both end up at if no change in skill happens. Even if I got enough of a bonus pool to get to or something, once that runs out I'm going to lose more for losses than I get for wins against people who are my skill level until I get to the appropriate level. The bonus pool just functions to get people's displayed rating jump started so if they took a break they can jump to their rating more quickly. Directly speaking, this doesn't inherently mean players added to this division will encounter tougher games, just that they are less likely to reach the tournament qualifier cutoff of Top 8 because their rating is unlikely to be as high as the top players, who are expected to carry higher point totals due to their expected higher win rate.

The frequency of these tournaments is unknown. Warcraft 3's tournaments ran weekly, for reference. The rewards for placing highly in tournaments is also unknown, but may involve league promotion or special Battle. It is likely that tournaments will be limited to the Top 8 players within that division, rather than across all divisions in a league, if they are to be scheduled with any regularity.

Thanks for sharing this. Given how much testing they have done with WoW, it seems pretty logical to assume they would use a very similar system for bnet 2. Good read, solid reasoning. Easily the best analysis of the ladder system yet. There's still some shady gray areas, which you eloquently noted in the analysis.

There are plenty of limitations which of course make this analysis inconclusive. It bothers me that we still aren't given exactly how the ladder is set up. It would be really great to get some feel, even some kind of hierarchy or imagery to give us a better understanding I kinda appreciate this new approach of blizzard for the tournaments. This is really clear. Now if only you could analyze placement matches a bit more. If I'm playing my second or third placement game, for instance, how does Blizzard know that I'm favored or unfavored? On April 03 Hey man, could you give some more information regarding the pro league that may be included when the game is released.

Is it going to be invite only? Are there going to be some special tournaments in that pro league, and what are the rewards there going to be more than cosmetic icons for b. I think the end of season tournaments will go like this. When the end of season is near everyone will be locked for a few weeks to their current division and league. The top 8 in each division will do a tournament to determine the division winner.

The division winners will then do a tournament to determine the league winner. It resembles sports and since they wish to make SC2 an e-sport it makes the most sense. I really think the Division system combined with Division and League tournaments is a much better solution then just having an overall gigantic ladder. This way everyone has a chance to compete against players on their own level instead of just having competitions for the top 0. I thought blizzard stated that division numbers had no significance ie between platinum 15 and platinum 30? Nice read, but on one point: Skilled players are in lower numbered divisions - not sure how accurate that is.

I'm pretty sure it's random. I'd say the only thing you can take from someone being in a low division number is they've been playing in X league for a long period of time since the ladder reset and even then that's not totally true, as once those players ascend to a higher league, new players will fill those spots to hit again.

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Starcraft 2 - 1v1 Matchmaking!

Winstrike Team vs Team Spirit. Renegades vs Aequus Club. CyberZen vs Grayhound Gaming. Team Envy vs Team One. My teammate can't get passed copper, wtf do you think will happen against a gold and a diamond player?

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  • SC2 Ladder Analysis: What YOU Need to Know.
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And now, wtf am I supposed to do in gold with a copper teammate? You know, at 6 minutes into the game, there's not much you can do when you get attacked by players who know how to play the game, and your teammate has a huge two marine army to defend or backup Because he was distracted or whatever! So this is my vent, SC2 ladder is a worthless pile of sh! It's annoying as hell Oh, and 3 , no ranks for different races So if you're a diamond Protoss player, Gold Terran and Silver Protoss, well tough shit, buy more SC2 copies to have different accounts, or get owned on Platinum and lose your ranking playing the races you suck at It would have been so fucking simple and easy to rank each player by race and not just by account I think the problem may be that your team has such a wide variety of skill in it, that you're acting unusually.

I've found the ladder system to work really, really well. I find myself playing with people who are roughly the same skill level as I am nearly all the time, which is unlike my experience in pretty much all other games. If you and your teammates want to learn, take a look at the first post of the current SC2 thread.

There are links to Day9's tips for newbies that are super useful if you're not familiar with any of them. There have been some good dissections of the SC2 ladder system on teamliquid, definitely check them out.

  1. ;
  2. dating someone coming out of a long term relationship;
  3. SC2 Ladder Analysis: What YOU Need to Know.
  4. In particular they'll show you that a lot of what you see is kind of irrelevant. It doesn't really care as much about what league you're in, or what rank you are in your division.