When you want to give up on dating

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21 Confessions From People Who Gave Up On Dating

What do I really want? Not just from a partner, but from my life? I wasn't learning anything from these dates, or even trying to decide if a man was right for me. I simply didn't have the emotional bandwidth, or the long-ranging self-knowledge. I was a super-young college post-grad, after all. As an introvert, dating overwhelms me under the best of circumstances. But this was a new kind of crippling: I didn't even know my own wants or needs. I drank too much, stayed out too late, went out with anyone who asked me, and was looking to heal a wound my narcissistic ex had created in me.

Eventually, I realized that although I wanted to have a corrective experience to patch that gap, I had to find a newfound sense of worth in myself first. I took a full year off from dating and love back then; my first "relationship cleanse. In a dating world that's exhausting, and a relationship landscape that's rapidly changing, these two cleanses have been two of the best decisions I've ever made for myself.

More than I can ever say. But here are five lessons I learned during my sworn singleness, all of which helped mold me into the person and dater I am today. If you haven't fallen in love with your life, make changes. I still remember the sad realization I had one morning with my ex, when I ultimately decided to pull the plug on that relationship: No matter what I did every day, I had a partner who felt distant and nothing else that truly lit my fire.

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But over time, I realized that I always had the power to fall in loveā€”not just with a guy, but with my whole life. To be honest, the latter is significantly harder. I did a lot of searching after I gave up relationships, trying to answer: What will make you happy, and what will help you grow? New challenges, and new relationships. I ended up moving to a new city, making tons of new friends, cutting out a few old toxic friends, getting closer with my niece and nephew, and ultimately selling a book.

When I finally did get back to dating, each disappointment was significantly less tragic, because my life was so full otherwise. Your work often gives you satisfaction in a way no partner ever will. Career is one of the most incredible developments for women today.

We are graduating from college in record numbers, flooding the workforce and demanding equal treatment. It's a marvel to watch. One day, the idea of putting up a profile online randomly popped into my head. I quickly dismissed the thought at first.

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But then I gave it a bit more thought, and realized that I was in a very different place in my life than when I had last been active in the online dating world. And I felt like I could take the experience a little more lightly this go round. There I was, putting up a profile again, but this time putting much less pressure on myself and my search. Within a month, I happened to come across someone I had a crush on in college but had never dated. We scheduled a coffee date to catch up and ended up spending nine hours chatting about nothing and everything like long lost friends.

That was a year ago, and although I can't say for sure what will happen, both he and I believe that this may very well be it for us. Sure, it's a coincidence that we went to college together. But more than anything, I am grateful for my patience and acceptance of myself, and my openness to meeting or in my case, reconnecting with someone in an unconventional way.

So, if you have been searching for that special someone online, but have been feeling discouraged , don't give up hope.

If you need to deactivate your online dating account for a period of time to gain some perspective or breathing room, so be it. But you can also try approaching the experience with patience, self-acceptance, and above all, a lightness of being about the whole experience. You never know when you might connect with a person that will take you on that perfect first date. And remember, one is all it takes. Food has the power to create a happier and healthier world. Celebrity Nutritionist Kelly LeVeque will show you how.

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What makes women want to give up on men?

Email Created with Sketch. Group 9 Created with Sketch. You've met enough jerks, insensitive guys, dull women or men, or total non-communicators. Perhaps it's individuals that are not supportive or with whom you share few common interests.

21 Confessions From People Who Gave Up On Dating

Maybe there's absolutely no chemical attraction! You need this last one, I don't care what anyone says! It might be your brain has been fried with mind numbing dates Or the ones where the person is a complete I think I can use that term here on the Huffington Post, if not you won't be reading this line! If you find yourself nodding your head, rest assured you are not alone. Often, not always the older you get the more negative experiences you accumulate and the sense of futility grows and grows. At some point, you might be getting ready to call it a day and simply give up on the rat race of dating.

Don't toss in your hat just yet. I make very few guarantees, but as they say in advertising "I can virtually guarantee" there is someone out there for you. Perhaps a diamond in the rough, an unexpected stranger, or dare I say it It might even be an old pair of shoes that with a good spit polish will dance you off into the sunset. I'm not making light of the frustrations of dating and finding the right person for the first, second, or third time.

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Believe me, I write from much experience, not just as a life coach, but as a baby boomer that grew up and burned out on singles dances, vowing never to return. This was before the digital age dawned offering all sorts of new opportunities. Some of the happiest marriages I know of started via the Internet. It really can work when the stars are aligned, you know what to look for and you put yourself in the right frame of mind. That being said, I don't advocate a particular way to find dates -- simply that, whatever method you choose to make contact with the opposite sex the key is knowing yourself and then "to thine own self be true!

Although the instructions call for closing your eyes, feel free to keep them open Paper, pen, great music, favorite beverage and positive outlook. Wherever you are most relaxed. Great you've just completed a bit of creative visualization. You'll do more in the future if you really want to transform and supercharge your dating. How is this going to happen?