Dreams about dating your ex boyfriend

  1. Dating Dream Interpretation | Best Dream Meaning
  2. Dreaming about your ex? A psychiatrist tells what it means!
  3. 2. Kissing your ex in a dream
  4. Dating Dream Interpretation

If your ex-boyfriend is proposing to you or showing affection then it can imply that you are looking for the same completeness that you felt when you were together and happy, it doesn't necessarily mean you want him back. In most cases it's the actual feeling of completeness you are looking for in some aspect of your waking life.

If your ex-boyfriend is injured or in hospital then it suggests that there are unresolved issues between you or you are still getting over the break up. If your ex is treated or out of hospital then it implies that you have moved on or have come to terms with the breakup. If your ex-girlfriend is pregnant in the dream but the baby is not yours then this suggests that you have come to terms with the breakup or you have moved on. Alternatively, the dream can also imply that you have ended the relationship on a positive note, remain friends or still care for her.

To see your ex-girlfriend pregnant with your child suggests that you wish to get back together or miss the relationship you had together, while seeing your ex-girlfriend's mom in the dream implies that you have unresolved feelings or issues. A dream featuring your ex-wife or ex-husband can suggest that your are facing some kind of difficulty or a tricky situation in some part of your waking life. You may be feeling uneasy or unhappy about something, or you may be having relationship issues. If you are in a relationship with your ex-husband or ex-wife in the dream then it can imply that you are making the same mistakes, or your old habits or ways are being repeated in a current relationship in some part of your waking life.

Dating Dream Interpretation | Best Dream Meaning

If you are one of the many people wondering what does it mean when you dream about your ex, then the short list below summarizes key points you may want to consider:. Never miss a post again! Subscribe and follow us to get the latest info and updates!

  • 1. Seeing your ex in a dream?
  • What Does It Mean When You Dream About Your Ex?.
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The Ex-Boyfriend Seeing an ex-boyfriend in a dream relates to the feelings, sexuality and attachments that your subconscious mind associates with him. The Ex-Husband or Ex-Wife A dream featuring your ex-wife or ex-husband can suggest that your are facing some kind of difficulty or a tricky situation in some part of your waking life.

If you are one of the many people wondering what does it mean when you dream about your ex, then the short list below summarizes key points you may want to consider: Have you been thinking about or wanting to get back together with an ex?


One of the most common types of dreams are those involving ex-partners. Not long ago, I wrote about what it means to dream about your crush. Given interest in the topic, I felt inspired to pen this piece.

Dreaming about your ex? A psychiatrist tells what it means!

This is particularly true if the relationship ended badly. Should your dream include romantic imagery, such as intimate touching and kissing, it can make the experience really confusing. So, what are these dreams all about? Why are you having them? Moreover, what do they really mean? Now before we get too far in, I need to say dreams are a subjective in nature and unique to each dreamer. Therefore, when reading the material below, it is best to view your dream through the lens of symbolism.

2. Kissing your ex in a dream

My promise is to share information that is free of psycho-babble so that you can arrive at a place of greater understanding. This is the most common type of experience. Here, you simply see an image of the person — such as their face or body. They may or may not use verbal communication.

Dating Dream Interpretation

Some people report that even without words, there is a deep knowing that transcends time and space. Much depends upon the previously shared connection.

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  • The Ex-Boyfriend.
  • The Ex-Girlfriend!

At any rate, their presence in your dream is usually linked to a trait they possess that you need in your life right now. Another common and confusing experience for some is dreaming about kissing an ex. Almost always, the kiss is passionate and sensual.

In the case of kissing, this usually represents some form of communication. Are you missing passion in your life right now? If so, did your ex provide this to you in the past? Deep below the conscious level, there may be a part of your psyche that yearns for an emotional connection with another.

In truth, they are relaying material that you need in the here and now. When you dream of hooking up with your ex, pay attention. Here are some questions:. Are you with someone now who is physically unsatisfying? On the flipside, are you single right now but not sexually active? Have you been dreaming about your ex sleeping with someone new?

Upon reflection, does the imagery make you feel happy for them or jealous?