How to go from dating to just friends

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I want to encourage you to keep developing a Just Friends relationship. Your email address will not be published. Comments im having trouble with my bffs what do i do. Leave a Reply Cancel reply Your email address will not be published. When I opened the door to his office one afternoon to offer our usual casual hello, an alchemical change packed a walloping charge through my body.

When had my coworker become a handsome man with whom I suddenly wanted to share more than impersonal cafeteria trays in a crowd? His long-distance girlfriend had broken up with him or his relative was terminally ill. Nothing further is exactly how our relationship played, while, to my great consternation, we hit a plateau between consolation and water cooler repartee.

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Something in his voice gave me the courage to ask if he was dating her. Truthfully, after his honest affirmation, Paul was the last person I wanted to spend more than five minutes with. Insomnia was my only sleeping companion. Immediately, I abbreviated contact with Paul. No more hanging around at the end of the day to chitchat.

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No e-mail, no notes, no calls. Yes, it was painful, after many years of chatting up Paul whenever I thought of him or wanted to know what was going on in his life, but I also stopped dwelling. I took a hiking trip with friends. I reconnected with family.

Friends vs. More Than Friends

I read more novels than I thought possible. I also journaled for the first time in years. For two weeks straight, I woke to write five blessings. I enjoyed simple pleasures and took time alone to connect with and savor what is. Most of all, I needed to exercise the same compassion and tenderness towards myself that I offer to others.

7 Reasons to be Just Friends

A stream of questions haunted me: What if he marries this woman? I ran every irrational, worst-case scenario. Deep breaths and mindful meditation cooled my mind enough to realize that worst-case scenarios serve no one. Disappointment cannot be ignored and yet, like any emotion, it is a passing state, undulating like waves to the shoreline. We are impermanent beings in flux, and we cannot expect either our relationships or those in our lives to remain static. It was unrealistic of me to believe that Paul would always have time to talk on the phone or share a lunch much less that he would somehow choose to remain single without knowing, forthrightly, my feelings for him.

Let go of the hopes you have for a relationship. Remind yourself the relationship is over. One of the major downsides of staying friends with an ex is that it can sometimes keep the hope of a relationship alive. Remember, you are exes for a reason and you need to let go of any dreams you had for the relationship. If you find yourself fantasizing about your future together, stop.

Think to yourself, "We're not together anymore, and that isn't going to happen.

7 signs someone you're dating should seriously just be your friend

Think about how you can support each other as friends instead of as romantic partners. Fundamentally different world views or different lifestyles can cause a breakup. Now that you're just friends, you can appreciate these differences more. Now you're free to embrace the positives of having a friend who's different from you instead of worrying about your romantic compatibility. Call it off if you're feeling bad. It's okay to take a step back sometimes. Stay aware of your feelings as you pursue a friendship. If things feel strained and you feel sad or drained when hanging out, it's okay to slow things down.

Say something like, "Hey, I'm still feeling a little sad when we hang out.

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  • Let's stick to long distance communication for another week or two. If they're struggling with the idea of staying friends, respect any requests they make for space. Manage feelings of lingering attraction. It's normal to still feel attracted to someone after a breakup, but don't try to feed into these feelings. It's hard to stay just friends if you're still having sex or being physically intimate. Some exes are able to maintain a physical relationship, or be friends with benefits, after a period of time.

    However, it's often a bad idea to pursue lingering attraction in the direct aftermath of a relationship. Stay respectful of one another. Boundaries are key to any friendship and are often more important with delicate relationships. You and your ex need to stay respectful of each other's boundaries over time.

    Make sure you're not breaking any rules in regards to contact, and let your ex know what you need from them. For example, say something like, "I know I didn't want to discuss your dating life at first, but I feel more comfortable with that now. I'd be fine if you wanted to talk about it.

    How to Go from Dating to Being Friends Again - wikiHow

    Get family members and friends on board. It's easier to be friends with an ex if your own friends and family are on board, especially mutual friends. Let people know that the two of you are still friends and it's okay to invite you to the same events. Make sure people know there is no need to feel weird or uncomfortable when you and your ex are in the same room.