Moroccan culture dating

  1. So you Wanna Marry a Moroccan Man?
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  3. Culture and etiquette

Whether religiously they or others believe it is right or wrong, it exists in Morocco just like anywhere else in the world. In rural places, dating is secretive. In my own experience, I only became aware of teenagers crushing on each other from my pseudo-village confidante position being the only American in the village. But, for traditional and oddly some non-traditional folk, you become a woman when you consummate your marriage. For many couples this is the ultimate no-no. A variety of reasons for this come to mind: This is also visible for mixed couples like myself and my significant other.

Prostitution is also illegal and while the two things are mutually exclusive topics they both occur in Morocco.

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On an almost contradictory point, I should point out in big cities some couples actually live together. I lived with my Moroccan boyfriend for about a year before we got engaged. This post is not the all-encompassing guide on dating in Morocco, but I hope it will shed light on some stereotypes and give you a different perspective on a topic that is usually hush-hush.

Meanwhile, others see dating apps as a means for hookups that could not result in lasting partnerships. Brahim, a year-old from Marrakech, went further, saying he used Tinder once and deleted it after a very short time, since the concept did not appeal to him. The app looks like a prostitution app, not a real platform of networking with people. Finding a compatible partner involves several steps that all require an investment in time. In the same vein, some have claimed that converting swipes to dates is not as easy as it sounds.

Sometimes, you find yourself communicating with so many people all the time. Others argued that some women still have difficulty acknowledging their choices.

So you Wanna Marry a Moroccan Man?

We are close in age he is 3 years older , and we had a lovely time. He is a gentle soul, very respectful, earnest guy. He totally wears his heart on his sleeve, and after what I will admit was a super romantic evening nothing scandalous , he pretty much put it all out there about how he feels about me. One thing bothers me though. Whenever we talk, he is outside—either alone or with his friends who I met in Essaouira.

Do you find this to be true? Am I not going to meet your sister? What will you tell her about where you are? Though if something feels strange to you then you should certainly listen to your gut. It is very uncommon for Moroccans men or women to talk about someone of the opposite sex that is not their spouse.

Hmm, thanks for your response! He is 32 so you are probably right. I will definitely listen to my gut, and we will need to talk about a few things over the next 2 months. He would definitely need to meet my family before I could commit to marriage.

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Seems like it is the reverse situation with him. Is he trying to avoid it or should he be trusted? I have trust problems due to my past and I have been very scared since reading that Moroccan guys r munipalitive and say what girls want to hear.

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If u could please help me understand him and his intentions and maybe give me advice on how to figure out if he is good, it would be greatly appreciated. I just married my boyfriend in Morocco we met on. And rented a beautiful house to have it in. I love him so much and he loves me i feel lucky to have such a sweet man in. I was in a relationship with a Moroccan man for eight years, we were engaged.

Culture and etiquette

I came home from work a couple of weeks ago to find he had packed his things and left while I was at work. He may have thought it would go away but perhaps the family pressure was finally too much. He was very nice to me over the years and I was nice to him. Its all a mystery. Thank you for this article, it is very helpful. This man confuses me. We got into it really bad about a month ago and then he texted me late Sunday night with an apology.

The dilemma with the idiot is he really likes me and is conflicted with trying to be only my friend and not anything more. So yesterday we decided to start over and we will be meeting this coming Monday. He says he wants to see me. I recently just come back from marrkech after spending a week on holiday. One the day I was due back a guy who works at the hotel as a entertainer left me his number.

Whilst I was there he never looked at me in a wrongful manner or indecent way. He always spoke very politely and repeat fully. The due day I was due back for England he spoke to me a little bit more and left me his number. I always seen him in the hotel and liked him as I felt he was very decent and never looked at you or starred at you or looked at u up and down. I contact him and we have been talking for a week now.

He is 26 and born an bread in marrkech. He told me that he really likes me and wants to marry me. At 1st I thought am I an escape route but I dared to tell him that. So casually I asked where would he want to live if we did get married. He explained he would be happy to live anywhere as long as I was with him as he wants to marry me and wants a family.

He said he will wait for me till I go back to marrkech and wants to introduce me to his family as a girl who he wants to marry. He said he wants to be with me in a halal way and the only reason he is talking to me is he wants marriage. I really respect him for telling me this. He also told me about his past that he had women in his life but they refused to marry and wanted just fun.. I am also considering the fact I want to settle. I am a pakistani born and bread in England and I am a teacher..

I think your situation is a little different than many others as you are wanting a halal arrangement at least it seems this way!


Do you have a mahram, parent, or trusted friend that could speak to him? Do you share a language? Perhaps you could talk on the phone or online a little more. I would generally advise against jumping into anything before considering it a little further and spending a bit more time getting to know each other.

8 things normal for moroccan but weird for the rest of the world!!

We are now speaking online and trying to get to know each other a little more. I have my sister who is willing to speak to him.