Interracial dating in minnesota

  1. Pioneering interracial couples in Minnesota share their experiences -
  2. Ten Things Unique to Minnesota (Pt. 2)
  3. Is interracial dating in Minnesota really one-sided?
  4. Stories at the intersection of place + race
  5. 88 responses to "Is interracial dating in Minnesota really one-sided?"

Just hook me up with your sister: I liven in Minnesota in my younger days while attending college. I dated women of many races and it was fun. I just see nothing wrong with interracial dating. There was a thing about Minnesota Nice. I must agree that women were kinder and gentler to non-white men at the time and am sure they still are. One reason why immigrants are very comfortable there. One thing I like about the state,at the time,women could actually ask me for a date.

I loved that and miss it now! Firstly, I am a black male. I love my beautiful black sisters. So let me chime in, being as though I also love woman of other ethnic groups equally. What can I say, I am an equal opporunist woman pleaser lol.. It is just a preference. Its actually a very juvenile argument to ask "why" someone likes something.

Their choice should be none of anyone's business. I think sometimes, we need to just mind our own business. Who other people date is none of anyone else's business. If a stranger's choice of life partner fucks up your mental that bad, then perhaps there are deeper issues at hand.

It seems white men want to have sex with me but date now that is a whole other issue. They so want to date me if they are 1 morbidly obese, 2 appear to as old as Mose 3 homeless 4 sexually repugnant 5 perverts. Now if I were into any of above things I could have as many white men as I can handle.

Pioneering interracial couples in Minnesota share their experiences -

So guess who I do end up dating. Well, I was in Minnesota years ago and tried to get involved with black women but no chance. Nice talk to them but that was it. Same thing in NYC. Nothing rude but no luck. Not that I'm complaining or anything Oh I forgot to mention I recommended the thread Black men, Black women, best frenemies!

Ten Things Unique to Minnesota (Pt. 2)

That is where the discussion should take place. Not in this thread or any other thread discussing relationships with White men. He will Not poste to you here as I have explained the reason why. First of all Laurelton, I will not be an information toter between you and my brother.

He said he wrote to you under his own screen name and they said waiting for moderation. I told him why this could happen I also told him not to move the "fight" if you want to call it that to the other thread because it don't belong there. Nice try you had going there though. I also told him it doesn't belong here, but you stepped in to cause a ruckus. Told him you are angry that I like Tatted. I don't want to tell you what we did after that. Hahahahahahahahahahahahaha As to your reasonings why and how he said what he said he'll hit you up when he gets up and I'm sure he'll seek you out when he gets back home.

Tell Eddie It's all good to talk about black and white hos.

Is interracial dating in Minnesota really one-sided?

I guess that is what he meant. He just says don't mention his sister. Just the other "hos and white tricks". LOL I respect that though. I ain't falling for that phone number trick. Then, my number will get out there. Eddie You will see this is about one of the most phucked up individuals on this board. Eddie Love you bro, but this dude is a punk. Why you give this punk your number?

You do you, though! Laurelton I didn't tell him to come at you. I walked away from the computer. I was cussing at the computer reading you and he stood over me to see what I was writing. Hey, he's my brother. I don't give a shit about you.

Stories at the intersection of place + race

You know that though. Hold up Petite Brother Eddie Griffin??????????????? What Eddie Griffin doing in New York? No wonder she wants to change hairstyles so they don't mistaken her for her 'brother". Why do they make it so easy for me? But your sister is the exception. Man, where was you at when the white man was trying to hump her like a "humpy dog". She ain't tell you about it. Tell your sister she too old to be wearing "fishnet" stockings.

Rose from the TV show "" never wore fishnet stockings. You know, you want to say Laurelton right about these damn hos and sellout black women. Heading out the door. You will stop disrespecting my sister though. You gone need to dat soon bro. Keep it that way. Laughing Are you going to check me?

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  • Is interracial dating in Minnesota really one-sided? | InterracialDatingCentral;

Fly down to Orlando Florida. Oh yea, you should be mad your sister asking for hair tips.

88 responses to "Is interracial dating in Minnesota really one-sided?"

Where is that tough talk when one of the white men she was seeing was "humping her". LOL This board is hilarious. To the dude who calls himself Laurelton, Let me check you on something right now bro, you can talk any kind of way you want to about women, Black or white - it's all good. I don't know nothing about your issues, but check yourself when you talking to my sister.

If you don't care for her comments, keep it moving. You're a young punk who hides his face behind a keyboard an talk shit. You don't know anything about my sister. Eddie PetiteChick's Brother You can hit me up here if you want to get real with it Tatted I'm tired of the stereotypes about Black women, much as the Black men claim.

I ain't having it. That comment about Black women not wanting White men cause their nerdy clearly shows people who have not come to the realization that we are a race of people who just as different in their thinking, behavior and achievements as any other group. It wouldn't be nice if one said "the Irish men who drink a lot" don't like Italian women because they are associated with the mob. Time for the stereotypes to be checked.