Hook up ex girlfriend

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  3. What Does It Mean When You Hook Up and Have Sex With Your Ex Girlfriend

It felt like a choice that we were both making, and it was a ton of fun. But there was the undercurrent, too, of the emotional intensity that came from us still being unresolved — he was still him, not just any other person off the street, and that mattered.

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It mattered that I still hurt a little. And with the relationship dissolved, so too were our obligations to each other. Sex with your ex requires treading a delicate balance. So is it possible?

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Besides, if you wait a long while to have sex with your ex, you run the risk that one or both of you will lose attraction for the other. Set a new power dynamic with your ex unless she broke up with you for being too alpha, cheating, etc. Enforce a no contact period and go out with your friends. Socializing helps you bond with your buddies, get the support you need, and stop moping around the house. Hit the bars and coffee houses with your crew. Meet other women and let your ex or her friends find pictures of you on social media having a good time and flirting with women.

If the two of you loved each other, you surely miss each other. Your ex will probably need you to enforce your new boundaries by kindly, of course ending a call or two. Save those emotions for after a long getting-back-together period; dole them out to her very slowly after you recommit. When you and your ex can talk calmly on the phone, address one issue at a time pick the little ones first. Resist the urge to express your feelings, even the ones you can keep under control.

Show her that communication, not love and sex, is your first priority. As I said above, you need to get back together with your ex on your terms — and in your own time. You need to examine your level of logistical entanglement. Or, did you two just take a little time off to express your frustrations and maybe hook up quickly with someone else.

Get honest with each other and make a lasting decision. Is she trying to get you to stay the night? Does she hint at your good old times together? The fact you were once married does not have an effect on the answer. Marriage is just a legal contract and it is the emotions and circumstances discussed in this article, that matter.

You need to make a decision quickly. Spare her the pain and break it off immediately— unless you really want to make it work. In the cold and sober light of day, she may be much less friendly.

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Give her the option of working things out with you, but remember — she could just have slept with you out of emotional pain and lingering jealousy. Also, she could just be keeping you around as Plan B or C, or D…. If you genuinely want her back and need to learn how — go for it. If not, politely and kindly let her go. Yes, sex strongly influences her emotions and she may want to give it another try.


In the first few days following your hookup, wait for her to contact you. If she still acts aloof, she probably considers your hookup a mistake — or was using it to make another guy jealous. Stop communicating with her, save yourself additional emotional turmoil, and move on to a better match.

Say you want to spend time with her fixing things and making them more solid. Which of the following statements resonates more strongly with you? You can get other women — ones who might turn into good long-term partners for you. Go out, stop returning to her well, and enjoy the wealth of options waiting for you in single life. Get her to fix the relationship with you and start the communication process.

Hooking Up With An Ex - AskMen

If she only wants sex, you have to let her go. The only way to make things work after a relationship is to get your ex to open up, trust you, and communicate about the reasons things went wrong. You need to create a better relationship than before and create a positive cycle this time. You can do it — just be sure to bravely address everything that needs fixing this time around.

Your email address will not be published. Notify me by email when the comment gets approved. Table of Contents 1 Should I have sex with my ex? Sam is a relationship consultant specializing in breakups and getting exes back. I kept telling him that I had plans, but he just kept lying there in my bed smiling and laughing as I got angrier and angrier. Finally, after at least an hour of arguing, I got in the shower, got dressed up and went into town — on my lazy day!

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It was only when I demanded he leave because I was obviously leaving, that he left, too. Sometimes there are no answers in life, and even if there were, would you want to know them? However, Mandy, 36, would like to know. Yes, I went there specifically to take him home. So, we had sex, and it was a lot of fun!

The next morning I left him in my bed and went to work.

What Does It Mean When You Hook Up and Have Sex With Your Ex Girlfriend

When I got home I noticed that pretty much all my non-perishable items in my kitchen, as well as my expensive pens — I love fancy pens — were gone. Yes, I was sleeping with, like, two of them, but it was a dick move on her part, because we were, and still are, broken up. Um, duh, lock, hide, or give your phone to a friend when an ex is around.