My girlfriend had a one night stand while we were dating

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  1. My girlfriend had a one night stand while we were broken up for two months - GirlsAskGuys
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  3. My girlfriend had a one-night stand and it has destroyed my life

I feel like I would of brushed it off more if it had been days before but knowing it had happened the night after our first date made me sick to my stomach.

My girlfriend had a one night stand while we were broken up for two months - GirlsAskGuys

It also ties into how special we both felt the first date was. Out of all the dates I had been on to that point it blew each of them out of the water and we shared this same emotion for how amazing it was. It's been 3 days since we had this conversation and I haven't been able to shake going into a negative place from time to time. Whenever I've been with her since it's been amazing as usual but when alone I have dipped into negative thought patterns that makes me sick to my stomach.

I don't want to feel this way as I know how good our relationship is now and that this is the past not the present.. What can I do to overcome these feelings? Share Share this post on Digg Del. Never trust someone who lies to you" Peace of mind is so underrated.

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Let's get some perspective on this She wasn't trying to set up another date? That would unsettle anyone's stomach bro! And casual sex partners How does that conversation go. It's a little troubling to me that you said all of her sexual experiences have been one night stands or casual partners, that's all. Now I said all of that to ask this Has she ever gone out while you were dating, without you, and gotten that drunk again?

If not, then accept the past as the past and move forward if you love her and she loves you. Now, if your sitting there pondering the last party she went to by herself, you may want to have a serious, and mature conversation with her about drinking to that degree. It will save both of you a lot of trouble later on. Don't be blind to actions that may disturb you With that said, enjoy your budding relationship and be happy if she makes you so! Originally Posted by Keke1. Originally Posted by LostOnes You all were not together at the time man. Makes no sense to be mad about it. Dont stew on that man.

Has she cheated on you since you both were official? If you say you are with her let the past stay there regarding her sexual exploits.

You were tested beforehand anyway right? If your first date was nothing more than just friends, then she was free to do what she wanted. If it was a date where there was an exchange of energy between you that was above friendship, then I would end the relationship. Personally, if I went on a date with a girl and she slept with a stranger the next night, I'd be out the door very quickly. Originally Posted by Brydk. That may make it sound worse but in fairness to her I meant to say her sexual partners were not serious. Casual sex was something she said she tried once and it failed miserably.

A lot of those emotions expressed as we've talked about were coming from the perspective of hooking up or trying to find someone who cared for her. Yea bro, no problem! I just wanted to give you another perspective of someone far removed from the situation. Plus I hate to see good people get the wool pulled over their eyes because they care about someone. No one can really tell you how to feel about it, but always trust your gut! My girlfriend had a one night stand while we were broken up for two months. My girlfriend and I had dated for three months I neglected her for the last month and she had made out with a guy and never told me.

At the Time I didn't know. A week later we broke up two weeks after that she had a one night stand with him. We got back together two months later and on our one month she told me about the one night stand, I tried to accept it. It's bugged me continuously, a year and a half later, we were dating the whole time I found out by myself she had cheated on me.

My girlfriend had a one-night stand and it has destroyed my life

I confronted her and she said yes. At the time of her cheating our relationship was bad. I can deal with that. But the fact she had a one night stand with him drive me insane I can't get it out of my head.

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  • My girlfriend had a one night stand and I can't sleep because of it. Help? - guyQ by AskMen;
  • Would you GF a girl who had a one night stand or fuked on the first date in the past.

Results 1 to 30 of Would you GF a girl who had a one night stand or fuked on the first date in the past. Would you GF a girl who had a one night stand or fuked on the first date in the past 1 she didn't have sex with you but she had a one night stand or fuked on the first date before, would you still get into a relationship with her, all else equal? I made the mistake, biggest waste of two years with her.

Be a Fat Manlet. Why would I put forth more effort than I apparently need to in order to get what I want? Brb paying full price for used car. Originally Posted by Gibb Most chicks have done both of those bro.

Signs she had sex last night!

You'd be limiting yourself to only a few girls if you disregard them. Originally Posted by Arkileon. Originally Posted by SrsAF. Don't really see a problem with this. Not looking for a prude. Just looking for someone I can trust. If she betrays my trust, then I'm out. Every girl has had a one night stand you retard. Originally Posted by TheRennaisance.