Online dating with acne

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Adult acne while online dating : OkCupid

THAT is something you mention off-handedly pre-date I still would have gone out with him and we would have had a better time because I wouldn't have been confused about what was happening. If acne scars are a deal breaker, then they're not worth your time. People use make up, fake nails, push up bras, hair extensions, contact lenses; all kinds of things to improve their appearance.

If you represented yourself with an un-photoshopped picture, don't sweat it and have fun! I kind of disagree with Pomo here and wouldn't mention this in my profile, listing minor and seriously, if you have to get this close to capture those scars, they can't be that bad flaws like this would come off as insecure AND looks-obsessed, at least to me. You'll be fine, have fun dating! Yes, I met someone who had visible acne scars, but her pictures showed no such thing. The deceit angle did not cross my mind. As long as you're not smearing Vaseline over the lens - or the modern equivalent in Photoshop - you're good.

I wouldn't mention it, but acne scars aren't forever, either. You don't need to get dermabrasion but there's plenty of ways to minimize them.

Online dating with acne

Mineral base is one. Your body is not a product for sale. You want to present a general accurate idea of your whole self, yes - personality, interests, desires, and looks. Leaving out something major like "I spent three years in the state penitentiary and got out in June" would be potentially shady. But on that note, you aren't selling a car. You don't have to provide a preemptive list of flaws.

If I saw a profile along the lines of what you are considering - "Regularly oiled and maintained, new tires 6 months ago, haircut last week, moisturizes nightly" - I would find it creepy and off-putting, thinking that at the least you had cuttingly low self-esteem, and at the most that you were probably completely socially inept. Which may not be the case, but making a proactive point to list out your minor flaws as if they might break a sale or cause someone to ask for a refund, is not normal.

A beautiful person isn't required to advertise they have an ugly personality.

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Therefore by the transitive property of internet equality you don't need to sabotage yourself either. Go as yourself, be concerned if the other person is lying ; posted by TheAdamist at 6: I've met several people through a dating site. One was MUCH heavier than his pictures indicated. Like at least 50 lbs heavier. You're not being deceptive and are definitely overthinking this.

Doesn't sound deceptive to me either. There are plenty of things about people that are not apparent in their online dating photos, but become apparent when you meet them. As long as you aren't weird about it in person i. This isn't deceptive at all.

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Don't spend another minute worrying about it. Enjoy your date, have fun! Anybody using an online dating site who hasn't figured out that nearly everyone presents flattering photos rather than unflattering ones shouldn't be using online dating sites and instead should only be dating people they've initially met in a face-to-face situation. So I think you should just assume he understands this reality. By the way, I admire the way you wrote up this question in an honest and straightforward way with a balanced amount of confidence and concern.

Does Acne Matter? (What Girls Really Want)

My wife has mild acne scars and they don't show up in pictures. We met online, and when we met in real life it was not a thing. This is not a big deal. Don't even worry about it. If the scarring is not bad enough to show up in your un-retouched photos, it's not that bad.

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Mentioning it only ensures that he'll notice when he probably wouldn't have otherwise. I have minor acne scarring and it would never occur to me to that I should warn a potential date about it. I guess I'm just not photogenic cuz he says all my pics arent very good But hey, at least they hide my acne. I signed up on some dating site some months ago still use it from time to time. I too of course don't put up pictures that show my acne, and I DO feel like I'm being misleading.

People will say "hey cutie" etc etc and I'll just ignore it because I know they don't know what I really look like. So for me it's a waste of time, even if I did find someone online that I liked I would never want to actually meet them unless my skin is having a rare good day. After reading your reply I had to giggle to myself because that seems like something I would say.

Also, I absolutely loved your response. And did that actually work? I'm curious, because maybe I should put that in a profile on one of those sites. As for the topic at hand, I've thought about registering on a free site like okcupid, since I've been really super lonely lately, but I'm too scared that people will either ignore me or be mean to me and call me ugly.


I've seen how rude people online can be, and it's frightening. Also, I've heard that people on dating sites in general lack social skills. Though I suppose I do, too, so maybe I would fit right in. You need to be a member in order to leave a comment. Sign up for a new account in our community. Already have an account? Emotional and psychological effects of acne Search In.

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