Stop dating my mother

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Pam's initial reaction is understandable, but she calls her mom and her mom tells her that this is her choice. Everything she does after that in this episode is insanely immature.

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When all that happened is that two consenting adults met at a wedding and starting to date. She overreacts and is immature. She disrupts a meeting to start openly defying her boss, Michael didn't bring it up. Michael didn't announce it to the whole office.


When it is brought up, Michael should have just said that his private life is no one's business and Pam's mom is a big girl who can make decisions for herself and they are a happy couple. She brings Michael into a room and orders him to stop dating her mother, to which he refuses. The issue ends there. Pam needed to grow up and come to terms with the fact that she has absolutely no say over who her mom and Michael see in their own time. Michael is equally immature. As soon as he begins dating her and Pam finds out, he acts as if he is her father. There's such a thing as good grief.

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See what you say is true, but it's not the case for Pam. Remember in Michaels office when Michael told Pam that he was dating someone's mom, and that they were someone working in the office? Pams reaction was not anything negative or had any criticisms about professionalism. She curiously asked with a smile "Who is it Michael? I can't blame her for her initial visceral reaction, but I can certainly blame her for the extremely childish way she acted afterwards. Just like Pam's initial reaction is understandable, but the way she conducts herself afterwards until that lunch is childish and immature.

Michael is worse in this situation, both due to the magnitude of his actions and especially given the power dynamics at hand. Pam has no way to respond to what Michael does other than freaking out because she's his employee. I agree he had a legitimate reason but he should have broken up with Helene right after he talked to Jim, but his stubborn refusal is what led to all of the events afterward. Her response was to call her mom and her mom told her that this was her decision and that she was happy with it.

She has absolutely no say over what two consenting adults do in the privacy of their own time, and she's the one that made it an office issue, not Michael. Michael didn't bring it up until she freaked out about it.

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He could have broken up with her at any time that wasn't at her goddamn Birthday lunch. It wouldn't be an issue if he waited a few weeks before doing it. Michael shouldn't date Helene out of respect for Pam. He has the right to, but it clearly deeply hurt her and also creates a power imbalance that is not helpful for their personal relationship or the business.

Stop dating my mother | Laughs | Pinterest | The Office, Office memes and Office Humor

She was real excited to find out who's mom Michael was dating until she found out it was hers. Not to mention once she saw the birthday table set for her mom, she realized how dumb she was being. At least for me this episode was really uncomfortable. They served no overarching purpose other than to have silly one-off episodes mostly. They spent loads of time building up Andy and Erin's relationship, then throw it away over for really no reason other than they needed something to write. The general writing quality went drastically downhill, with beyond-believable events happening and characters making choices that just didn't make sense.

Without the glue that bound them together, Michael Scott, the show lost its way. I finished it, just to see how they'd wrap everything up, but man, they should have ended it way earlier. I absolutely despised him by the end. Nelly and Gabe never really served a purpose either. I stopped watching so early in the series that I actually have no idea who those last two characters are. I don't think the office bombed, but I can agree that it should've ended. The Erin and Andy thing, I thought it was great when they were together, but they ended it stupidly and then Andy got increasingly annoying.

But damn the show had a great run, I love it to death. Luckily for you, I just happen to know that this very episode will be on TBS at 1: Video of the scene. This is the laziest kind of post. Just took the joke from a tv show and couldn't even come up with an original title so you made it one of the 3 sentences in the actual joke. That Pam character turned into such an annoying bitch, she was much better as the meek little receptionist. She was fine as a receptionist and in sales, but once she returned from the Michael Scott Paper Company, her personality was vastly different and it became increasingly abrasive.

This is where the whole Pam and Jim dynamic became insufferable.

The Office - The Lover (Episode Highlight)

At least Michael was still hilarious. Reminds me of Home Base, possibly the best short and revenge movie ever made: Do you watch the show? Just this screen cap by itself isn't funny but if you know the show and the characters, it's pretty funny. A good joke should be able to stand up on it's own without having to reply on delivery or canned laughter.

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I see many US Office quotes on Reddit and they all read like they were written by an eight-year-old. I wouldn't be suprised of that was also the age demographic the makers of this show were catering to. Delivery is the garnish that adds to the flavour of comedy. The joke itself needs to be solid or else it just won't work, otherwise you're laughing at the comedian, not the joke itself. Right, insult the viewers without knowing anything about the show. Just watch the show before making judgments, or don't. I know the US Office doesn't have canned laughter; I mean canned laughter in general because it's only used to tell the audience when to laugh.

Go to YouTube and look at the clips of The Big Bang Theory without the laugh track and you'll see how painfully awkward and unfunny it becomes. Well, I can agree with you there. I don't like canned laughter or The Big Bang Theory either with or without the canned laughter. But I still don't think it's fair to be judging a show just based on screen caps.

It's not funny to you because you don't understand the character. Michael Scott is kind of an idiot so this is precisely the kind of nonsensical, stupid thing he would say. It's funny because its in line with his tendency to be over-the-top and inappropriate in a completely illogical way.

It still might not be funny to you but if you're making judgments without even trying to consider the context, you come off as close-minded and its hard to take your opinion seriously.

I've seen the original UK Office, which is the only one worth seeing if these dumb-ass quotes are any indication of the show's level of humour. Well, if you run a better comedy that runs for more than 9 years, I might just listen to what you have to say. From what I've heard, the two versions are not that different. I'm not pissed off, just utterly perplexed at the sheer idiocy that passes for comedy these days. The original was actually smart, well made, original and, most of all, funny.

It also had the good sense to quit whilst it was ahead, cementing it as one of the best TV shows ever made. Americans don't seem to get this concept and will drag everything out until people eventually hate it or it gets cancelled, just like The Simpsons, Family Guy, Scrubs, etc. Go for quality, not quantity. Making one or two hilarious seasons is way better than making, say, seventeen crap ones just for the sake of ratings.

I understand your argument for quality over quantity, but most of your examples fall short. I know quite a few people who love Family Guy, and the Simpsons.